Specialist IT gadgets for young person(16) with an acquired brain injury

jimmy Community member Posts: 2 Listener
This discussion was created from comments split from: Hi, I'm Chris, I am an Adaptive Technology Specialist.


  • jimmy
    jimmy Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited June 2014
    HI Chris
    I'm looking for specialist IT gadgets for young person(16) with an acquired brain injury and an additional learning disability, to help with school. Particularly memory aids and communication tools. Preferably hand held devices. Can you advise.
  • Chris2
    Chris2 Community member Posts: 35 Listener
    Hi Jimmy,

    The first thing that comes to mind is the Iphone! Coupled with apps such as Proloquo2go or Predictable from a company called Therapy-Box, the Iphone becomes a handheld communication device and memory aid. Here is the link to their site

    Also check out the Say it Sam from Possum for a more specialist device

    If you visit Inclusive Technologies' website at www.inclusive.co.uk and search for "memory aids" you will find a host of simple communication aids and devices that could be used for memory aids.

    If you would like more specific advice on access or a specific product let me know

    Thanks for your question!