Do you have any recommendations of people to ask, or organisations to contact?

Alexw87 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi Kim,

I am the Therapy Co-ordinator at a Special Needs secondary school in Harrow. We currently have approximately 5-10 current and future students who are limited in their use of keyboards and mice in lessons. We know that we need to source some specialist equipment tailored to each student's individual needs to allow them to fully access this technology and are in the process of contacting some companies who may be able to help. Ideally, we would like to have all of our current students and a selection of those joining us in September assessed to determine what equipment would most benefit them.

Do you have any recommendations of people to ask, or organisations to contact? Some of the services we've spoken to are very expensive, leading some members of management to question how much professional advice we need rather than just doing it ourselves. I however feel it quite important to do it properly, before we invest money in accessible equipment.

Any suggestions or advice?


Alex Williams


  • Kim_AssistiveTech
    Kim_AssistiveTech Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    Hi Alex, 

    There is a support service that covers Greater London called CENMAC. It offers assessment, loan of equipment, training and reviews of progress of children aged 3 to 19.

    CENMAC will assess the student and provide parents and professionals with a full written report including recommendations and suggestions of suitable hardware and software. This will allow you then to go on and purchase the right equipment for your students.

    I am sure they'd recommend suppliers after the assessments, but it's worth checking out inclusive technology as they have a great range of assistive technology and are very helpful. 

    I hope this helps and please let me know how you get on.

  • Kim_AssistiveTech
    Kim_AssistiveTech Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    Hi Alex, 

    There is a support service that covers Greater London called CENMAC. It offers assessment, loan of equipment, training and reviews of progress of children aged 3 to 19.

    CENMAC will assess the student and provide parents and professionals with a full written report including recommendations and suggestions of suitable hardware and software. This will allow you then to go on and purchase the right equipment for your students.

    I am sure they'd recommend suppliers after the assessments, but it's worth checking out inclusive technology as they have a great range of assistive technology and are very helpful. 

    I hope this helps and please let me know how you get on.