My son has Asperger's - how can I get support?

Julie94 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited October 2016 in Autism and neurodiversity
Hi, I need some info about getting support for my son who suffers from Asperger's syndrome. He's 22 years old and my husband has left me and abandoned his children. I need help with my son as he doesn't communicate with me & he misses his dad who hasn't seen him in the last 3 months


  • Yiman60
    Yiman60 Online Community Member Posts: 93 Connected
    edited October 2016
    Julie94 said:
    Hi, I need some info about getting support for my son who suffers from Asperger's syndrome. He's 22 years old and my husband has left me and abandoned his children. I need help with my son as he doesn't communicate with me & he misses his dad who hasn't seen him in the last 3 months

    I am so sorry to hear about your situation.
    First of all I suggest you go to your GP and ask him to refer your son to Autism Iniative. They have outreach workers and groups where they do activities together. Anything from ten pin bowling, cinema, meals out, walking, all sorts of activities. 
    Having male company I am sure will help his situation.

    I also suggest being on your own you get an assesment of your needs. You can also get one for your son if he wishes. This could provide you with extra support, even respite care for a weekend.

    If your other children are school age I suggest you ring iipsea as short term extra support should be provided.

    I hope this helps a little xx
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  • Piglets12
    Piglets12 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor
    Find a asperger club I find mixing with others on the spectrum helps with social shills and the clubs are extremely supported. Or a support group I organise one that do both. If you have spare time it's free to do one in a community house run by the council. My support worker helped me. And still does. 
  • Deniseford55a
    Deniseford55a Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Where are ashburger  clubs in colley gate area or halesowen  area I need people who I can talk too whom understand  ashburger syndrome 
  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Hi @Deniseford55a

    You might find it useful to contact Autism West Midlands, you will be able to discuss yours, and your son's, concerns and needs. You can find out more at
  • Deniseford55a
    Deniseford55a Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you so much