Need help and advice about filling in pip appeal forms

mcrcs Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
Hi I've just got my pip decision back after the mandatory review, nothing changed still a carbon copy of original decision. I have gone from indefinite middle rate care and high rate mobility to No care and No mobility, reading the decision letter and the face to face report its as though I have miraculously been cured of spondulosis of neck spine and lower back. Severe anxiety and panic attacks, numbness in my legs and cramping of hands etc. I have a full time carer but it seems this was overlooked as they seem to think that I can cook a meal and deal with daily tasks on my own, truth is I can't be left alone and need help with most tasks. Because of this decision I've lost both housing and council tax benefit because my son works part time. Although I qualified for a mobility car I didn't get one as it is very rare I leave the house due to panic attacks and partial aggrophobia. I like never asked to be I'll I wouldn't wish it on anyone, unless I can win my appeal I can't see a future, one of the questions on the face to face is do you think you would better off dead to which I answered yes, he then asked if any professional bodies were aware of my feelings to which I answered yes as I've been seeing a physiologist. 

Is there anyone that could help me filling in the appeal forms?

I feel that the new Pip scheme was brought in as a legal scape goat for the government to cut benefits.


  • buffalo
    buffalo Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
     your local disability organisation should be able to point you in the right direction for expert help.  or your carer can ask the local Carers Centre for an appointment to help,  Otherwise your local law centre.  if there is a solicitor locally who specialises in disability and care they may help.  final resort would be the local council Benefit Maximisation Officer.  get help to do this as most appeals succeed.  
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @mcrcs,

    So sorry to hear about your PIP decision. It seems very strange how you can go from mid-rate care and high rate mobility DLA and have no entitlement to PIP at all. I would definitely recommend getting some face to face advice about this.
    As well as what @buffalo has suggested, check our Services Directory for local information services

    If you have difficulties finding local help, let me know which part of the country you live in and I will have a look and see what's available in your area.

    Best wishes
  • mcrcs
    mcrcs Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hiya Debbie
    Thankyou to yourself and Buffalo for taking time to read my post, I'm trying to find the best possible help available in Rotherham South Yorkshire, I've downloaded the SSCS1 form and am in the process of writing a supporting letter but its a case of wording it right. 
    Q. Do I have to inform PIP that I am making an appeal to tribunal?

    Many thanks
  • shelliemarie
    shelliemarie Online Community Member Posts: 57 Listener
    ive just been told i cant get pip
  • shelliemarie
    shelliemarie Online Community Member Posts: 57 Listener
    debbie please ring me on my mobile urgent
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @mcrcs ,

    Sorry for the delay but here are some links to local advice services in the Rotherham area. I hope you find them helpful and are able to get some support with your appeal.

    You can inform PIP that you intend to appeal and they will make a note of this. Once you've lodged your papers with the tribunal, they will also inform the DWP about the appeal.

    Please do get in touch if you need anything else.

    Best wishes
  • shelliemarie
    shelliemarie Online Community Member Posts: 57 Listener
    debbie please can you email me personally but not on here sometime today when you can
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Absolutely @shelliemarie will do it now :)
  • shelliemarie
    shelliemarie Online Community Member Posts: 57 Listener
    ok thanks
  • shelliemarie
    shelliemarie Online Community Member Posts: 57 Listener
    debbie have not received a email yet from you.
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    I sent it and then resent it to make sure it went through. Shall I call you instead?
  • shelliemarie
    shelliemarie Online Community Member Posts: 57 Listener
    can you call the landline number at 1pm you have the number please.
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Yes I'll call you at 1pm. Speak to you soon
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @mcrcs how did you get on with your PIP appeal?
  • mcrcs
    mcrcs Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi Sam, just to let you know I lost my appeal which surprised a lot of people. My appeal reply kept repeating that I was still at working age. Since this decision has cost me my housing and council tax benefits it put me in arrears whilst waiting for the results of the appeal, as a result of the decision going against me I have now had an eviction notice served from RMBC. As I've stated in the past this new system is the government s way of legalised theft. If Panorama or Watchdog ever did a documentary on the way the new PIP has wrecked life's then I think I would participate. 
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @mcrcs,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your appeal and that you've now been served with an eviction notice from your landlord.

    Did you have any support with your appeal and representation at tribunal? 

    With regards to the eviction notice is this a notice seeking possession or are you at an advanced stage and have been served with a bailiff's warrant? 

    Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council has an Advocacy and Appeals Service and it might be worth contacting them to see if they can help you resolve the issues with your rent arrears.

    If you can't get in touch with me via the community drop me a line to and we can pick up from there.

    Best wishes
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @mcrcs I am sorry to hear this, I hope Debbie's information is helpful to you.

    It sounds like a really stressful time!