Holding onto a thin rope... need a lifeline

julierose Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected
edited October 2016 in Everyday life
i have a Fybro along with a host of other issues that come with it ,one of them is depression due to constant pain unable to sleep properly ,eat much and so on ..yes depression comes as part the package causing even more problems as most of you know ..i am now at a point where holding on to that thin rope .coping is hard.. im a strong person ,but im not sure how long thats going to last ...i hide a lot from family they have busy active lives i dont want to be a burden ,but i admt i am scared ,i am lonely,i need to be able to do things and i cant mentally or physically and i dont know who to ask for help ..so any ideas i really need a life line right now 


  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    Hi @julierose, welcome to our community, I hope that you feel it can be a lifeline for you and a place that you can turn to for support. Loneliness often stems from feeling like no one understands or knows what you are going through, and I'm sure you will find many people here who can relate to your experiences and share their own. As for who to ask for help, I would recommend giving our free helpline a call on 0808 800 3333 (mon-fri 9am-5pm) as they they will be able to advise you on some of your specific issues.

    You might also like to take a look at this recent discussion started by another community member on the subject of depression and disability.

    All the best.

  • JoanneMontgomery
    JoanneMontgomery Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    Dear Julierose, why not call the scope helpline at the top of the page?  A problem shared is half the battle and you won't have to worry your going to worry the persons your talking to,  like you do if you talk to a family member?  Good luck my friend I'll be thinking of you.  
  • julierose
    julierose Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected
    thankyou both so much ,i will phone ..it has taken me so long to even ask .im just not used to asking for help ..im always the one giving it ...but im just so tired now ..