Can you claim ESA as well as PIP?



  • JamesGeorge
    JamesGeorge Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    HI cockney Rebel, thanks so much and for the welcome. I don't know anything about the SDP. I'll check the link and let you know the outcome. 
  • JamesGeorge
    JamesGeorge Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    I'm now wondering if it's in relation to switching from contributions Based ESA to income based ESA? I read something earlier that contributions based  ESA can only last for a year. That said, my ESA was awarded in early 2017 but backdated to late 2016 so maybe its not that. I desperately don't want to call them. I'm going to have to 
  • misslolly
    misslolly Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi all,
     I am new on here and was wondering if anyone can help me? i get standard rate pip for both eliments, at the moment i am on the sick from work i am in the process of applying for ill health retirement if this is sucessful i will not be workinig anymore due to my health issues and  iam also registered as severly sight impaired, if my ill health pension is not sucessful i will be still leaving my job anyway has it is way too much for me now, but my question is could i claim ESA aswell once i am not working? my partner works full time 40 hours.

    Many Thanks
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    I'm now wondering if it's in relation to switching from contributions Based ESA to income based ESA? I read something earlier that contributions based  ESA can only last for a year. That said, my ESA was awarded in early 2017 but backdated to late 2016 so maybe its not that. I desperately don't want to call them. I'm going to have to 
    If you had CB ESA you will always have it any IR will be a top up. When you are in SG, ESA will contiue until you have a review that finds you fit for work

  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    misslolly said:
    Hi all,
     I am new on here and was wondering if anyone can help me? i get standard rate pip for both eliments, at the moment i am on the sick from work i am in the process of applying for ill health retirement if this is sucessful i will not be workinig anymore due to my health issues and  iam also registered as severly sight impaired, if my ill health pension is not sucessful i will be still leaving my job anyway has it is way too much for me now, but my question is could i claim ESA aswell once i am not working? my partner works full time 40 hours.

    Many Thanks
    Hi misslolly and welcome

    Be careful about leaving your job volunterily

    You should get f2f advice from CAB or similar before you make a decision

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,730 Contributor
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • misslolly
    misslolly Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Many thanks, going to look into the advice given thanks
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    I am on jsa. 2 years ago I got taken off esa. I now have a new diagnosis. Should I try for ESA again? I am at appeal for pip. I am thinking I should wait for a decision with that first . Also I’m worried and benefits stopping and starting as I get other help. 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi debbiedo

    If you have a new or worstened condition then you can re apply,
    Is your new diagnosis likely to make a difference ?

    Have a look at the B&W self test


  • JamesGeorge
    JamesGeorge Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    @CockneyRebel Thank you for helping. I've still not rung them, I'm aiming to tomorrow as had a bad week. I'm now wondering if it could be  as my local authority is a full universal credit area. Whilst I'm calling them, I'm going to update them on my condition worsening and the recent hospital stay. I never thought to at the time as was in hospital the first time. It's difficult to juggle everything going on with our health and keep rthe DWP updated as I forget so much now due to my condiion but realise I hav to and will do. 
  • JamesGeorge
    JamesGeorge Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    Hello. Just an update on why ESA dept contacted me was as @CockneyRebel suggested, it was in relation to SDP premiums. 
  • Bubbles052506
    Bubbles052506 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited September 2018
    Hi Im a parent carer for my son and get Income support and carers allowance. 
    My own health isn't great and I've put in claim for pip. 
    Had face to face today. 
    What happens if I'm awarded pip? Who do I need to let know? Should I claim esa as well? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    You can't claim ESA and Income Support at the same time. If your PIP is successful and you have a daily living award then you'll have an extra premium paid on top of your Income Support. They will pay you this automatically and there will be no need to tell them. 

    If your area is a full Universal credit area then you won't be able to change to ESA it would be UC and then housing benefit and child tax credit would become part of UC and paid as 1 monthly payment. 

    If your area isn't a full UC then changing to ESA would be possible but it's the same money unless you're placed into the Support Group and that will depend on how your conditions affect you. You'll also need fit/sick note from your GP to be able to claim ESA. A face 2 face assessment will eventually be needed too. If it was me i'd stay on Income Support but I don't know your circumstances. 

    Check what's in your area first by putting your postcode into this link.

    If it's not a full UC area then i'd advise you to speak to your local CAB or other disability advice centre before going any further.

  • Bubbles052506
    Bubbles052506 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Not in full universal credit area until November 2018.
    I had to stop work due to my sons condition and my own health. 
    I'll remain on income support if that's possible would be easier for me. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 273 Empowering

    You have claimed Income Support before your area moves onto full service universal credit (UC).

    So you can remain on that benefit until Managed Migration, which is when the government, on a rolling programme across the country, move all existing claimants onto the new benefit (at present, it's only new claimants to income-related benefits that have to claim UC).

    Your income support will be in payment because you are a carer in receipt of carers allowance. If you get an award of PIP, then you are likely to be entitled to disabilitypremiums as an added element of your income support. 

  • lisa1972
    lisa1972 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Connected
    I i claim pip enhance rate of daily living can I claim esa aswell.thankyou
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing

    Claiming PIP doesn't automatically entitle you to ESA. To be able claim ESA will depend on your circumstances and with such little information it's impossible to advise any further.
  • London_Girl
    London_Girl Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    You can claim any benefit if you are entitled to. You can even work/study and claim PIP. PIP isn't means tested. Like poppy123456 said without knowing a little more info people won't know the answer you are looking for. 
  • London_Girl
    London_Girl Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Lisa1972 I Think what Gill_Scope said in the message above yours best explains. I think any new claim now and you'll go through universal credit route
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    edited November 2018
    Lisa1972 I Think what Gill_Scope said in the message above yours best explains. I think any new claim now and you'll go through universal credit route
    Not exactly correct. Contributions based benefits isn't part of UC and if a claimant is entitled to this and their area is a full UC area and they're not fit for work they should claim New Style contributions based ESA.