If I get a job for 6 hours a week max, will my benefits be affected?

stephy10 Scope Member Posts: 1 Connected
edited October 2016 in Benefits and income
If I find a job for a maximum of 6 hrs per week and the earning is well under £100,would house and benefit get effected?
 kind regards


  • Philip
    Philip Community member Posts: 34 Contributor
    6hrs/wk will not stop your benefits, depending on your circumstances up to £20/wk may be disregarded from your net pay, you must provide payslips when asked, contact the DWP or Welfare Rights or Citizens Advice Bureau 
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  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi Stephy10

    It very much depends on which benefits you get. If you get back to us saying which benefits you get at the moment we will be able to advise further. It may also be that there are different options worth exploring in terms of the number of hours that would be best for you.
