Disabled due to Cauda Equina

lillian Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited November 2016 in Everyday life
I am disabled due to Cauda Equina im now classed as partially paralysed with all the pain and other problems that go wit severe nerve damage now classed as cauda equina syndrome. Tbis came on suddenly its hard to come to terms with the change from being in a good job that i loved to living in constant pain and relaying on benefits im sure many on here will understand this 


  • Loubell
    Loubell Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    I have ces aswell it isnt easy tging to live with
  • frostygirl79
    frostygirl79 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    I also have ces caused by nerve damage from a discectomy in 2009, always seem to be taking tablets and life isn't great with this either, wish there was a cure x