Telling people about multiple disabilities

Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
During our recent Facebook Live Q&A with Sam Renke, one user asked, "How do you deal with telling people about multiple disabilities? People tend to think more than one is ridiculous." Does anyone have any experience of this?


  • Ros
    Ros Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    My daughter has cerebral palsy, autism, learning disability and partial sight.  I don't have trouble explaining this to people but I do have trouble with their reaction which is invariably one of pity.  I find myself trying to explain what a joyful soul she is, and what a good quality of life she has and I can hear their unspoken scepticism.  They obviously think it's what I tell myself to make myself feel better about my tragic family but in reality she has a better and happier quality of life than most of the people asking the questions about her.
  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    Thanks for sharing your experiences @Ros.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 38 Contributor

    Hello everyone, I'm new to joining the online community and I'm currently having a read through some of the most recent discussions.

    I have to say, as a person with multiple hidden disabilities I've always come across mixed reactions; depending on who it was I was talking to. Thankfully I have some really supportive friends and family, however I have experienced some 'less than positive' reactions from others; for example employers. I've never asked for sympathy, just an awareness and an appreciation that my way of working may be slightly different to the 'norm'; I've often had the completely exaggerated 'poor you, how do you cope' which is really undermining given some of the roles I've successfully secured over the years to managers who have no idea and really should be far more educated about how to support people with hidden disabilities (in my humble opinion). That said, I would like to add that some employers are brilliant at this; its just that sadly, this isn't always the case.

    Sorry I've gone off on a bit of a rant now! I think ultimately it depends on who you are disclosing the information to, the reason why you are telling the person and how you disclose it too.