PIP assessments - has anyone felt really stressed?

marley77 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
edited November 2016 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Monday just gone felt like a day from hell because i had attend an pip ass. At capita the days lending me up to it was a nightmare but the appointment it self . 
The Staff look on you funny like they are above you and i was there over an hour " you see i was advice to applie for pip because i suffer with depression and anxitey and ve got really bad joint pain and a friend has to come in and look after me and now i have to wait 4 to 8 weeks just to find out if ve got it or not 


  • marley77
    marley77 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
    Hello everyone my name is marley and im going thou alot right now
  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,281 Pioneering
    edited December 2016
    Hi @Marley77, welcome to the community.

    I'm really sorry you had a stressful time with your assessment. Unfortunately, it's something we hear quite often on here - so you are certainly not alone. 

    We have specialist benefit advisors on here who might be able to help you if you don't get the result you were hoping for, or if there are other things that might help. You can ask them a question here: https://community.scope.org.uk/post/discussion/ask-a-benefits-advisor

  • Cutter123
    Cutter123 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I do hope that people who deserve benefits receive in a timely manner.  
  • Cutter123
    Cutter123 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    The word deserve is not being used by me as a subjective one where people are judged wrongly or are not able to present themselves well.  Hopefully the benefits will be applied fairly.
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    edited November 2016
    Yes, like most people, I found the process of claiming PIP stressful.  It was like preparing for difficult exams, something I'd not had to do for many years!  Completing the claim form was stressful, next there was preparation for the face to face assessment, then going through the inquisition (sorry, assessment) itself. I was awarded standard needs and mobility and received the decision after two weeks so it's not always a long wait.  

    The next stage was the stress of preparation of the mandatory reconsideration application because I think I should have been awarded enhanced rate both components.  A month later, waiting to hear from DWP.

    It is hard enough for disabled people to have to suffer the difficulties of coping with daily essential activities without having to jump bar after bar because the DWP want to cut the benefits bill regardless.  Even when claimants do successfully jump bars, the DWP say that they haven't - hence the high volume of appeals.
  • piperali
    piperali Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi my husband had DLA for life he is 68 unable to walk 10 metres was assessed by ATOS lost  his motability part of PIP by 2 points lost his car goes back next week even thoughI his claim is under reconsideration he will be unable to get 
  • citreon1964
    citreon1964 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    pip assessment for hell, my husband was compared  with paraplegic person and was suggested that he was not in a bad way at all, assessor said she was on the same medication as he is and basicly said he was not as bad as he is and also said her husband had all the the things my husband suffers from and her husband worked, she was a supposed mental health nurse, we came ouy of assessment exteremely  traumatised ant stunned, this was a dls to pip assessment
  • Needs_More_Hugs
    Needs_More_Hugs Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Going through it now & not doing well. Feels like I'm repeating myself each question & I get confused & I tire out so easily that I'm not sure I'm going to complete in time.
    Have had to scan it into my computer as I can't hold a pen long enough to write without pain and a friend is going to write it out when I'm done.
    Why cant they automatically put those with permanent DLA awards onto equivalent PIP with a 'cursory' assessment after to confirm. 
    Just feel like giving up on everything now, with the ESA it's not going to be enough to live on once my savings run out and I'll be lucky to have a roof over my head this time next year!

  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Yes, if they want to reassess those on indefinite DLA awards then, ethically, they should assess them for PIP according to the same criteria they were assessed for DLA.  Instead, they have moved the goal posts and are reassessing people under much tighter criteria.  
  • pip
    pip Online Community Member Posts: 71 Contributor
    they expected me to attend assessments out of town, despite my difficulties getting out and to places, eventually with help of a welfare advice person got a home assessment, she came too, it was a worry and I was upset on the day though the assessor seemed decent, awaiting result now.
  • BigBriUK
    BigBriUK Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi I am new on here and reading a lot of the comments about PIp (I like a lt had the old DLA for life) I have finally received my letter from capita after sending my forms in way back in Feb 2017 and they have said that they are to give me a home assessment which is towards the end of Jul 17  I find the whole procedure very stressful and me a worry and get depressed very easy . CAB where really good in helping me fill the original forms out and have said if the outcome is not in my favor to contact them ASAP, Also my local MP said he will give me is backing too. But this does not take away the thought of the assessment filling me with terror. They should leave well alone bit no they have to pick on the vulnerable to get more money back. I am just keeping my fingers crossed (Well everything crossed that I get the decision I want) and same with everyone on here . 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    I found the whole PIP process very stressful but got what I wanted in the end - enhanced both elements but I had to go to a tribunal to get them.

     I hope you get what you want after the assessment but if not then you have CAB and your MP to support you.

    Scope has a guide to PIP assessments - look under 'Support and information'.

    Don't assume that if the assessor is nice that they are on your side.  They are not - they work for the DWP.

    Watch out for the assessor trying to trip you up and contradict what you said on your form.  My assessor asked me if I ever don't bother to try and prepare a meal from scratch and instead settle for a sandwich. I replied no I always persevere trying to chop and peel veg until forced to abandon the action because of pain/fatigue/stiffness or because I am in danger of cutting myself. 

    Essentially you have to attempt the action to prove you cant complete it.

    My assessor asked me for how long not how far I can walk. If you are asked for how long you can walk give the length of time it takes you to walk 20 meters or whatever distance you put on your form.

    PIP scoring is not about your diagnoses themselves but about how these affect you on a daily basis. About what you can't do or can only do with difficulty using aids.

    Good luck with the assessment.
  • BigBriUK
    BigBriUK Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Matilda
    Thanks for comments I did find the hints on the info page but must be a bit dense as it all double dutch to me...I am still a bit confused over a few issues as my CAB adviser when filling in the form we ticked the 20 to 5o mtr distance but on the comments said that even though I could walk 20mtr aided I still had to stop due to pain and breathlessness and of cause I certainly dont measure how far I walk sometimes it take me ages as due to the pain I have to walk slower. I think I must have walking sticks in every room as well as long handled grabbers which I have to use quite regularly. But lets just wait and see what happens pity I dont have anyone to be with me when they come to assess me as living on my own is a pain in more ways than one. Thanks again Matilda
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    You're welcome, @BigBriUK.  Just try and remain calm and confident during the assessment.  Thinking about the positive things you have achieved in your life will help give you confidence.