Hi, my name is Juliaky!

Juliaky Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi as you can probably see my name is Julia. I am 50 and live in Somerset. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia earlier this year. As with many sufferers I have CFS and Brain Fog. it has been a tough year as i nearly lost my job over being of ill so much. I am on a more stable footing with medication now but found there was no support  when I lost so many hours at work. PIP didn't want to know and without that behind you there seems to be no more support out there for you.


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi Julia,
    Did you get a decision refusing you PIP? If so, it's worth considering challenging the decision, especially if it was less than a month ago. They often get it wrong. It does take energy to go through the appeal process though, so get help if you can, for example, from a CAB. Another option is to reclaim, but get help with the claim form, again from an advice agency if possible.

    Are you still working? If not, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) might be a benefit you could claim. If you are working, but have maybe lost hours, then Working Tax Credit can sometimes help, but usually only if you've been off sick for a while beforehand, or you get PIP.  Or, in areas where Universal Credit has started for your circumstances, this can be worth considering - but I'd get advice first.

    If you'd like to tell us a bit more about the circumstances around what happened with PIP, we might be able to give you a bit more advice.
