What happens to my life award?

lauraspoon123 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited December 2016 in Benefits and income
Hi i have a brain tumor,  two stroke and epilepsy.  i now have visual issues and right side weakness.  my dla was taken off me and i appealed it and it was reawarded as a life award.  i live in northern ireland and pips is being introduced and dla phased out. what happens to my life award? 


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Hi lauraspoon123,

    Most PIP awards are for fixed term periods. Longer term awards (eg 5 or 10 years) are made when changes are less likely but possible.

    Ongoing awards (with no fixed end date) are only made in the minority of PIP cases where any change is highly unlikely. Even in these cases, the DWP can still review your award at any time.

    Please post back if you have any other questions.

    best wishes,
