
peterchahal Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited December 2016 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I have been granted enhanced living allowance what other benefits are I entitled to I heard that I can get premium esa




  • ScopeHelpline
    ScopeHelpline Online Community Member Posts: 204 Contributor
    Hi Peter
    Regarding the ESA, if you live on your own (or only  with another adult who also has the daily living component of PIP) and no-one gets Carers Allowance for looking after you, you can apply for a severe disability premium, making the PIP daily living award a whole lot more valuable (the premium is £61.85 per week). This applies for either rate of the PIP daily living component. 

    To put this in place, phone the ESA department that pays your benefit and ask for the necessary form - it's an ESA10 
    (or an IS10) I think.  It only has about 4 questions on it, so not a difficult form.  

    This won't apply if you live in a "full digital" service area for Universal Credit - let us know if this is the case. Check this out at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/jobcentres-where-you-can-claim-universal-credit (phone the Helpline at Scope - 0808 8003333 - before you go ahead, if your jobcentre is stared,  like this *).

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes

    Gill (Scope Helpline)

  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi Peter,

    As well as the severe disability premium, there's something called the enhanced disability premium which applies if you get the enhanced daily living component of PIP or the highest rate care component of DLA. There aren't any other conditions so you would just need to tell the office that deals with your ESA that you are now getting the enhanced award. You may already be getting the enhanced disability premium if you are in the support group for ESA.

    These extra amounts only apply in income-related ESA, not contributory ESA. If you can't get income-related ESA because you have other income or a working partner then it can still be worth telling the local authority because getting a higher rate of disability benefit can get you some or more housing benefit (to help with the rent) and/or help with the council tax. 

    Like Gill says, if you're in a full service area for Universal Credit you can't make a new claim for income-related ESA. But you don't have to claim UC if you are already on ESA; it only applies if you are making a new claim.
