Very frightened

spinbobbin Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected
edited December 2016 in Benefits and income
Hello I'm wondering if any one has been in my position .
My husband has renal faliure ,heart faliure,calciphlaxis .
I do home haemodialysis 6 days a week for 3 hrs a day
In febury we had our face to face as semester for pip he was awarded the higher rate of mobilty and care and I get carers allowance .
He is unable to much movement due to the calcphiphlaxsis and heart faliure in fact he's is very unwell 
Well miracles are the best and he had a kidney transplant yesterday it's not working yet he is on dailysis machine as I type but the man in the bed opposite said we have to give our befits back 
Hubby Nephrolgy team have said this will not change his mobility problems or other it will just mean he won't be tied to a machine and that's the best they could hope for hI'm I'm so fightend please if anyone knows of some one out there who has been in our place please could you help 


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Hello spinbobbin

    When PIP is awarded, it is awarded based on what mobility and daily living needs a person has.  This means that PIP will ONLY need to be informed when a persons mobility and care needs change.  You have already mentioned that your husbands mobility will not change.  If he will still need the same help for example with cooking, dressing, washing, therapy, using the toilet etc. then his needs have not changed.

    PIP will only need to be told if you give less care to your husband, or his mobility changes. PIP will therefore only end if your husband no longer has mobility problems or is able to look after himself without difficulties or without any help from you.

    I hope this helps


  • spinbobbin
    spinbobbin Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected
    @BenefitsTrainingCo ooo thankyou so much I could hug  you that really really helps xx I'm so glad I found this site I feel I found support and caring thankyou I'm in tears with the kindness shown to a complete stranger thankyou