Meet your Community Champions

Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
edited July 2024 in People power
On our online community here at Scope, we have a wonderful group of volunteers called the Community Champions, they are like the big brothers and sisters of the community who welcome new members, reply to posts, join in on events and discussions and work with the community team to make sure everyone is safe and happy.

And so we thought that we would celebrate our volunteers this Christmas and introduce a few of them to you all with a quick festive interview.

First up we have @Jgeek 

So, Jgeek, what is in a name? Why did you choose your user name?

I never wanted my CP to be part of my identity & through myself into studies from an early age, because it was something I could do on an even playing field-  my work could be faceless and I can be anyone. I am a data scientist but J_datascientist hasn't got same ring to it!

 What is your experience of disability?

Life's not been easy, I'd say it effects every aspect my life, I have envy for people who's life seem to come together 'normally' but things I achieve mean alot to me because I know the effort I put in EVEN if others don't realize.

 Christmas is almost here, what’s your favourite party game?

Dad & I normally hide with wine in the kitchen when games emerge until B, my step mum nags us to play, I do quite get into the one where you put names in hat & you have to act out who they are.

 And how will you be spending Christmas?

On the Isle of wight with my fiance's family, they don't really celebrate but in the spirit of fairness/his revenge, we were with my lot last year.

@Zec Richardson is another of our Community Champions, he is married with two daughters, and has CRPS. He is a wheelchair user and a blogger, where he talks about his awesome beard and reviews mobility products

Zec, what is your experience of disability? 

I have been a wheelchair user for about 7 years and previous to that I was on and off crutches for about another six years. Knee problems slowly got worse and an accident at work in 2008 finally finished my knee and a knee replacement surgery left in even more pain, I have been told I have CRPS and I also have had ME/CFS since 1996

Are you beer pong or monopoly kind of guy? What is your favourite party game? 

We used to play a game my auntie called walnuts, it involved trying to grab a walnut when a certain card was turned in the pack, there was always one walnut less than people in the middle of the table and it was chaos. A bit like musical chairs but with walnuts. However since being in pain, I am now very unsociable and it's one of the worst things about it!

How will you be spending Christmas? 

This year we will be at my mum's house, me my wife, two daughters and my two year old grandson, family is very important to me. On boxing day my wife's family will come to us and we alternate it every year.


I'm happy to introduce @Noah w
ho has CP and a visual impairment, I asked him a few questions so we can get to know the people behind the support.

What is your experience of disability Noah? 

Prefer to focus on the ability and what can be done, I've always lived by the moto if something isn't possible one way, find another! Having a disability all your life gives you an advantage, and it must be so much harder for people that have to learn to live with a disability later in life.

What’s your favorite party game? 

That's a hard one, I'm a big fan of most games and i'm extremely competitive!

How will you be spending Christmas?

I don't celebrate Christmas, it has no true meaning is far too commercial and is just another opportunity for the high street shops to charge double the price they will be charging for the same stuff in January! I will be using the time off work to catch up with family and friends, and I prefer to buy presents for friends when they are not expecting them!

Next up is @milo

Why did you choose your username?

I picked Milo as my username in memory of our 15 year old labrador who used to sit by my wheelchair . 

What's your experience of disability?

My experience of disability has been overwhelmingly positive , from the people I've met and the support I've been given . Mind you, having been born with CP, I don't know any different . 

As Christmas approaches, what is your favourite party game? 

Beer pong ( and I'm the reigning family champion! ) 

Christmas plans? 

Christmas Day will be quiet here,  just myself, my wife and my stepdaughter so it'll be presents followed by lunch,  a few board games and then fall asleep in front of the T. V. Then Boxing day we're off to see my parents , brother and niece which definitely won't be as quiet a day. 

Finally, a huge hello to @speedincaesar

Why did you choose your user name?

It was a yahoo suggestion back in 1999 that I have stuck with. Seemed apt as I was very quick in my chair and I love history.

What is your experience of disability?

I think I have had it good all things considered. Standard frustrations and things. I love being in a position to challenge perceptions.

What’s your favourite party game?

Anything with alcohol involved or Articulate (if you mix the two the results can be hilarious).

How will you be spending Christmas? 

At home with my wife's extended family. Wish me luck!!!

And so there ends our welcome to just a few of our brilliant Community Champions, I just want to thank all our champions and advisors who volunteer their time to offer support and information to so many members.  If you are interested in becoming a champion, get in touch at for more information.
