Uncontrolled epilepsy and PIP appeal

tracoops Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
edited February 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi my husband has uncontrolled epilepsy had it for 40+ years.  Just been assessed for pip and received 0 points for daily living and mobility. Devastated wondering if it's worthwhile to appeal. Any advice please?


  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    Hi @tracoops, I think it is worthy to appeal. 
    But it is loooooooooooooooong process. You need to find legal help frol local law centres. You need to be patient and strong. 
    If you do knot try than you will never find out. 

    I hope some @BenefitsTrainingCo and @ScopeHelpline can assist here. 

    Have a nice day. 

  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @tracoops and welcome to the community, I am sorry to hear your trouble.  There is lots of information about appealing PIP here but also if you search PIP appeal in the search box at the top of the page, it will show you all the posts from other people about their PIP appeals and you might get further advice and support from them.

    If you have a specific question about your appeal, then do let us know and hopefully someone will be able to assist you.