Hi, my name is rmalungu!

rmalungu Community member Posts: 4 Listener
Hello everyone


  • rmalungu
    rmalungu Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    I have a child with cp problem how can I be assisted
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Community member Posts: 161 Empowering
    edited March 2017
    Hello rmalung cerebral palsy I understand your child as got but you are not clear of the person who as diagnosed cerebral palsy. As this should have been explained to you of what it all means and what help to be given. It is not clear to give a full pictured answer due to the help and advice that would have been already given in the UK.      
  • rmalungu
    rmalungu Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    My child now goes to school for handicapped how is it possible to educational teaching aid
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Community member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Hello @rmalungu are you living in UK helping aid works different from one country to a other with regulations. Most countries do have resources and availability and if you are in a country that as CP authority then you should not have a problem. If you are in certain countries that have very little educational teaching aids it is well worth just checking out on the web Cerebral palsy charities. I am still unclear if you are live in UK. When working in Romania missionary volunteer Red Cross was very good this is a example.   
  • rmalungu
    rmalungu Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Am not in UK I stay in Uganda mine was if this organization assist such children and attain good education
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Community member Posts: 161 Empowering
    @rmalungu ok we now have established where you are in Uganda, This is the instructions and help that can be provided first go on the web type in
    cerebrapalsyafrica.org   This will be at the top the address that you put in, you will get all the information and education and equipment from that site
    PLEASE NOTE do not go down to the next one that is half way down as that site as closed down. and it is not a safe site to click on to. KEEP AWAY OF THAT SITE Thank you.