Realised Mistake on Submitted PIP2 forms

charmed Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
edited March 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
High all,
my neighbour was looking through my form i have my home face to face next week yes rhere was a mistake i missed out a word BUT it does show it doesnt go with what has been said elsewhere.
I can (missed out not) walk without stumbling and falling. 
Ps i use scooter outside

SHOULD I GET MY HELPER TO SAY STRAIGHT AWAY TO THE ASSOR WILL THEY MAKE NOTE OF ERROR or will this go against me. My writing not too good on form also.


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing


    I think this needs to be noted somewhere on the DWP records, in case you end up having to explain it to a tribunal.

    There is nothing to stop you mentioning it to the assessor, and this shouldn't count against you, but I would not consider this a reliable method of making the point to the DWP, and would recommend also sending a letter in explaining the error and emphasising that this IS something you struggle with - once you've sent the letter I would also telephone 10-14 days later to make sure they have it.

    Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,



    The Benefits Training Company

  • charmed
    charmed Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    Thanks for the reply but have home assessment on monday coming 6th march
  • charmed
    charmed Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    What do i do?
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Can you send a letter, call them and mention it to them on the 6th?
  • charmed
    charmed Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    My neighbour helped me phone today and they noted it on their records also new lifetime medication and OT report which they said to hand in to assessor but they have noted on their records.