Terrified about losing DLA/ PIP

valhinds Scope Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi. Im a disabled pensioner, and terrified of my upcoming pip assessment, expected around september. If i lose my dla, i lose my car and probably my home. No car means i will be housebound.
Anybody wlse in a similar possition?
Any advice about the assessment? 
Very very worried about it.
I dont see any specialists, so i only have my gp to back me up. 


  • WaterLily
    WaterLily Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor
    I do see specialists at the hospital maybe once,twice a year. I see my GP about six times a year all being well. 
    So when the time came for PIP and supplying evidence of my condition, all I had was a couple of hospital consultant names and my GP's name. 
    I couldn't offer any evidence because I didn't have any!
    Some say that the DWP don't ask your GP or any specialist about you, but I think they must do,they can't just take your word for it. 
    I recieved the award I was hoping for in the end.
  • Dougal
    Dougal Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    I have Heard so Many Awful Stories and myself i'm actually at the HM Appeals Court Stage, Had Mine Completely Taken away.. i Suffer From Systemic Lupus, Anxiety, Arthritis, Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder... All Long Term Conditions.. i see so many different Specialist, Gp's Mental Health etc etc
    "Apparently" from a Half hour Session with an Assessor i have made a Miraculous recovery..... What the Hell??
    My Gp is very cross and hears lots of these stories from P.i.P and sister Group E.S.A... they are trying to get as many people off as possible....I have been Suicidal   over the whole thing its only my mental Health team and their support that has prevented me to date from doing anything....
    i have also heard stories of people with less life affecting Chronic Illnesses Getting P.I.P Indefinitely ... IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE?
    My Advice to you would be to save any Letters Get Letters Get People to Write Statements about how your Disabilities Mental or Physical affect you...
    its NOT what you got..
    its how it Affects you..
    so think about how any Tasks are affected
    Hope this will help a little    
  • Dougal
    Dougal Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Sorry Forgot to say Both P.I.P and E.S.A 
    Do not speak or follow up Dr and Specialists

    if they did it would stop all this unfairness
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    edited March 2017
    Hi @valhinds

    It took me a long time to fill in my PIP form.  I phoned DWP to ask for extra time because it was a long, complex form and I would need to seek help to complete it.  They gave me two extra weeks, so in practice I had about five weeks to fill in the form.  If you need extra time, phone DWP.  And don't let them fob you off - insist that you need more time  because you have to get help.

    The Disability Rights website gives a draft diary which you can adapt to suit your circumstances.  Even the DWP PIP notes recommend sending a diary - I sent in a week's diary.

    Have a look at 

    This gives details of what health professionals should look for on the application form and diary.  And read Disability Rights and CAB guides to PIP on their respective websites, especially the former

    Disability Rights is better on descriptors,  But CAB make the point that you shouldn't tick 'it varies' in the walking distance section.  (Could give assessors too much scope for deciding you can walk well more than 50% of the time! ).  Tick one of the specific distance boxes.

    Disability Rights say you should list in the diary all the aids you use, and they also say that you get points if you are unable to complete a task.
    Then, when you get an assessment date, look at what Disability Rights and CAB have to say about this and at the PIP assessment guide for professionals 


    This is very illuminating - it advises assessors how to go about tripping claimants up, to get them to contradict, if only by omission, turn of phrase, or lack of clarity, what they said in their form and diary!  So, you'll know some of the traps to look out for

    My assessor asked me about hobbies (jigsaws and knitting would indicate a high level of manual dexterity) and if I had any pets (would indicate a certain input of energy to care for them, especially dogs).

    The assessor will observe you informally such as how well or otherwise you walk from the waiting area to the consultation room.  She asked me for how long (not just how far) I can walk before I need to stop and rest: don't over-estimate the time, or the distance.

    Don't worry too much about getting medical reports -  these aren't always necessary  I didn't get any (just listed my doctors on the application form) and many people don't.  Because in many cases all the doctors can do is describe your diagnoses; they don't know how your condition affects you on a daily basis

    Most questions my assessor asked were about how my condition affects me on a daily basis.  She did ask me to describe my symptoms - but I could tell (she was only a paramedic) from the blank look on her face she hadn't a clue whether I was describing accurate symptoms or not!

    Remember:  getting PIP points is not about your medical condition(s) themselves but how they affect you on a daily basis.

    For many people PIP applications are straightforward but, if you don't get the award you want, there is mandatory reconsideration and then appeal.  Over 60% of appeals are successful.