Looking for cleaners who help the disabled

Bettyboop Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

Are there any cleaners who don't charge much? (I suffer from Hoarding / OCD and have a few health problems ie Fibroids / Endometriosis / Eczema / Arthritis).

 Recently I had a Flood from the upstairs Flat (Burst Central Heating Pipe) and my Flat needs a thorough clean.

 My Landlords St Mungos - I have had a history of appalling treatment from them towards me as a Tenant (too much to go into) but I don't trust them to clean my abode. ‎ I have provided photographs as to the state of my flat and am awaiting Compensation. 

 I'm based in South East London - there must be a bona fide Cleaners - not Molly Maid - I've heard some unpleasant stories - who help the Disabled?


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @Bettyboop I am not sure of any cleaners in your area but I wondered whether you need a general cleaner or someone to help you with the OCD and hoarding tendencies? 

    Most cleaners are there to clean, not to sort. How is your home? Would it need decluttering first?

  • Bettyboop
    Bettyboop Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Sam,

    Yes your right I've been through a few nasty unpleasant scenarios with my Housing Association - and it's left me not caring about my abode anymore. So my home would need de-cluttering / thorough clean but I don't have the Funds to do this. 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    I have read that hoarding can be a reaction to trauma for lots of people, it must be really tough for you.

    I was having a read on the NHS about hoarding and they recommend you speak to your GP and look at therapy such as CBT.  Is this something you have ever looked into?

    Do you have much support from family or friends?
  • Bettyboop
    Bettyboop Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Sam,

    I sent you a personal comment yesterday. Please look through your inbox and reply back to me on that. Thank You

  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Just seen it @Bettyboop - will reply now  :)
  • Kathy_Bramley
    Kathy_Bramley Online Community Member Posts: 134 Empowering
    Nursing for in home care that advertises in our area mentions cleaning in the blurb. The cleaner I had with personalisation budget was just an ordinary cleaner with good experience and I can't remember how it worked, if we picked them out the yellow pages or if they were established with council contracts.I  also had an agency support worker for a while as an alternative and both were administered by my CMHT worker on behalf of Adult Social Care whose budgetary provision it was.

    There's professional organisers and declutterers that have experience and expertise and have been most useful in the time but that I got all angsty about for some reason. They'd be more expensive than agency support and cleaners typically are, as would nursing, but it depends what funds are available and you may need them less often or they discount for regular business. There's a professional association, APDO, give em a google. They'll list folk in your area. 
  • Bettyboop
    Bettyboop Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Many thanks Kathy
  • Kathy_Bramley
    Kathy_Bramley Online Community Member Posts: 134 Empowering
    I also used to run an OCD forum on fb having it foisted off on me by someone who had opened it for their friend. I have obsessional tendencies and had obsessional Post natal depression. There's an Overcoming series of books written by UK experts on CBT, sometimes available on prescription but fairly cheap on Amazon that I recommend. OCD Action and OCD UK also have active sites and information. The Brain Lock method is discussed on one of those pages and worth looking up. Hoarding is sometimes about identity externalised, saving the waifs and strays of valuable and non valuable possession and historical and sometimes maybe useful/recyclable. A difficulty letting go and decision making. 

    KonMarie method (keeping what makes you happy when you hold it, shortcutting anxiety and letting emotions work for us,but more to it than that) and the WmMorris thing, or other similar quotes: is it useful, is it beautiful, is it meaningful, or something like that which can get a bit complicated with anxiety and self doubt and what if and 'not being ruthless if it kills me' in play. Speaking from experience! 

    Good luck!
  • Kathy_Bramley
    Kathy_Bramley Online Community Member Posts: 134 Empowering
    Cross posted that 
  • Kathy_Bramley
    Kathy_Bramley Online Community Member Posts: 134 Empowering
    Specialist cleaners are possibly where you are at though, to start with as declutterrers don't clean. Insurance usually doesit. But adpo mightbe able to helpsomronetocoordinate!? You might need to combine or a search a few avenues. I think that was part of my angst. I have eczema too. 
  • Kathy_Bramley
    Kathy_Bramley Online Community Member Posts: 134 Empowering
    Some members have specific MH training and experience. Miriam Osman, I think. If she's still doing it. 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    We have a guest post from a company who specialise in working with disabled people coming up next week, hopefully they will be able to offer some support and information  :)
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @Bettyboop here's that link for the cleaning company I mentioned, we also have a post about OCD you might like.