Changes to PIP

listening Community member Posts: 6 Listener
edited March 2017 in PIP, DLA, and AA
what are the changes to pip regarding the mobility? I get standard... is that about to be taken off me due to the changes or is that more for the enhanced awarded? 


  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,282 Pioneering
    Hi @listening,

    Welcome to the community!

    I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that the recent changes are about stopping claimants with psychological problems who can not travel without help getting the same as those who are blind.

    In particular, it's the ‘Planning And Following Journeys’ question that will change:

    If your issues with travelling are caused by psychological distress - you may get fewer points (and therefore might lose the mobility component if you don't have enough in total). 

    The changes will apply when people are reassessed or new claimants from 16th March.

  • listening
    listening Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Ty for the reply. It is so desressing isn't it. I am being reassessed, just waiting for the letter. Lots of sleepness nights sadly..