
Arthur Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
Ehat's your views on the above subjects, is it right to highlight a child's dysfluency speech so early in life?,  have you read the book " Voice Unearthed " by Dori Holte, there is a Facebook group of the same name, I'm a lifetime stammerer myself, so wish to help parents going through similar with their children

Thanks Arthur Young.


  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    Hi @Arthur

    Thank you that you share with the book title. I hope you will find parents you could share your own personal experience with. 

    Have a nice weekend. 

  • Kathy_Bramley
    Kathy_Bramley Online Community Member Posts: 134 Empowering
    On a cluttering group, someone used to spam us with their "cure" and wouldn't take on boars any consternation at all, and they were quite harsh in their style and in the style of the therapy. :-/ But then I can understand passion. 
    I hate the fact that a lot of help and support can feel like being competed over by cults at some kind of competitive proselytizing conference. But not as organized as all that. 
  • Liam_Alumni
    Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,087 Empowering