PIP (Preparing Meals

johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
edited March 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I have recently Had my PIP Assessment and omly scored 2 points for preparing meals.My decision maker has stated that I have bad grip in my left hand.My wife helps me to prepare meals and I do not use any special tools.I explained that once the food is prepared my wife takes over and put the food onto the cooker.I am banished from the kitchen for my own safety,this is to avoid burns etc.I do not lift any utensils/pans  off the cooker..  


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi johnny100,

    It does sound as if you should have scored more points in preparing meals. Arguably 8 points should apply - 'cannot prepare and cook food' - because you can prepare, with supervision, but you cannot cook at all, and therefore there's an argument you meet this descriptor - you can't both prepare and cook food. Failing that, it should at least be 4 points ('needs supervision or assistance to either prepare or cook a simple meal').

    All the PIP activities are supposed to consider risk, so if you cannot do something safely, you should be treated as not being able to do it, and it sounds as if this applies here. 

    What to do about this depends on the overall effect. Did you get an award of the daily living component (for which you need 8 points)? If not, would you have done so with these extra points? If you did get an award, would you have got the enhanced rate with these extra points (you need 12 points for the enhanced rate).

    It may be worth asking for a mandatory reconsideration of your PIP decision if so. Point out where the decision maker went wrong and why. If you can see how it relates to the assessor's report (it's useful to get hold of this), then explain why that is wrong and give any evidence you can (examples of how things work on a day to day basis are evidence, although of course medical evidence is even better - for example, anything which proves why you would be at risk if you tried to cook).

  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    I only got  2 points,the assessor  wrote that I have bad pinch grip in my left hand,as stated I get help from my wife.For my own safety i stay  out of the kitchen,My wife assists me in preparing meals,my award was 2 point,as you stated it should be 4 points.I have noted other thing like toilet need.I had prostate cacer a few years ago and it badly affected my bowel movements again got 2 points and I am also diabetic.I have to change underwear 2 to 3 times a day.Then I can barely walk due to cervical spinr problems .spine problems at L1 L2 L4 L5 bulging discs  points 10.Looking at my award I should have got enhanced award.Ny doctor has sent a letter today regarding my walking ability.Lets see if my letters and my doctors letters make any difference
  • kass
    kass Online Community Member Posts: 95 Contributor
    Hi..... I only got 2 points for preparing a cook meal 3 points for shower or bath 4 points for dress or undressing upper body nothing about the lower body 4 points for Mobility stand the move 50 metres no more than 200 metres.......Ano the finding of my musculoskeletal examination....Did not get examination all the assessor did was tell me to move my knee I couldn't and move my arm over my head could not do that too the assessor told don't do it don't want to hear your self....as I have 2 frozen shoulders Witch are painfull and Osteoarthritis in my knees......when the assessor was looking at my claim she said don't need to do that you put it in your form I was in about 30 mins  
  • kass
    kass Online Community Member Posts: 95 Contributor
    hi... I post the message at the top are few days ago I need help as I have got a recondition and I have to have more information in by the 17 April 2017 Than You
  • kass
    kass Online Community Member Posts: 95 Contributor
    Sorry I mean reconsideration of PIP Thank You