PIP assessment Decision

Mol Online Community Member Posts: 50 Connected
edited March 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
 I had my assessment 2 weeks ago and have now received my report, Reading through it the assessor has told quite a lot of untruths.

I was in agony and could hardly walk she put I was normal, and lots of other lies.

I got up and she asked me to bend my knees which I said I could not do as it would cause me too much pain, she put down I did and even gave angles, lying so and so.

When I have gone through the reportit a big mistake she made was,  that she put me down as normal build, I am  6ft tall and weigh 19 stones and large build, Everyone calls me big man lol, Maybe it shows she put what she wanted on the report without paying attention.

Anyway my assessment report conviniently shows I will be given lower rate and only get 4 points for mobility so will not qualify for it. I am so annoyed I feel like driving back to the assessment centre and telling her what a lying person she is to put it politely.

I need the mobility even if it is the lower rate to realistictly keep my job. I am struggling getting to and from work and due to my struggling my company have made some adjustments and put me on office duties only. She has mentioned this in the report and also mentioned that I cannot walk far but states I can walk up to 150 meters. 

She then states they may wish to consider that my hospital letter states I have Osteoarthritis in my knees and can only walk for a small amount of time due to Pain throughout my body. 

I have worked for at least the last 25 years without a break, I am so annoyed I pay all my tax and insurance, and when you need help you get these people who lie through their teeth.

Does anyone know if the assessors are on commission?  it seems like, They are stopping genuine people getting the help they need they must be getting something in return for lying so much.

I am so annoyed I cannot wait for my letter to arrive so I can contest the contents of the assessment report.


  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    I've heard they are. But I remember reading somewhere online that someone had asked an assessor if they were paid for each person they kick off PIP and they denied it.

    Given the amount of people (including me) who have had issues with PIP, I won't be surprised if they were paid commission. After all, what other reason would they have to lie?
  • careingperson
    careingperson Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi mol.
    the government pay these people so much to say u r fit to work.yes they do lie.i wound up on low level pip .she said i used a satnav to centre.i dont posses 1.im crippled with osteoarthiritis working on building. I wasnt classed as bad enough for the hi level.
  • Mol
    Mol Online Community Member Posts: 50 Connected
    Hi Careingperson, The assessor put down on my report for cooking and preparing food, because I can drive and hold the steering wheel I can hold a knife and chop food. I received lower living rate and no mobility only got 4 points. I have wrote a complete list on each category that she lied on. I also mentioned how she did not even realise that I am a large in stature size man and she put average, if she could not tell how large I was standing in front of her then she has not observed properly. Also I mentioned that she would not let me see what she had typed and said I could apply to DWP for a copy. But what they do not realise is that there is on you tube there is a PIP Assessment of how the assessment should be done and that they should at your request show you so you can agree that what they have written is correct. I am now awaiting my Mandatory Reconsideration.
  • newcomen23
    newcomen23 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Don't quote me...but I think it's about 100 pound per person....