appeal last week and feel that I have been stitched up

tony66 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
edited March 2017 in Benefits and income
Hello I am looking for some advice I had my appeal last week and feel that I have been stitched up basicly what happened I went in with my wife an welfare right worker  in my wheelchair as I had to park a long way from the court so introduction  was done my welfare rights worker explained u was only there to appeal  my motorbility part doctor started to ask questions that had no relevance  to this .... 2 strange ones were o if u have fosters yr grandchildren  and u live in a busy house hold with lots of people  living with me she started asking questions  about my toilet ability as last yr I had big problems which thankfully are now sorted with medication .next thing she wrote something  on a piece of paper  and handed it to the judge next thing I know he calls a recess I leave the room 2 mins later my welfare worker  is called in on her own she then comes in the room and advises  me to retract my appeal  because if I was to go any further  I would loose everything  .....i had a multitude  of medical  evedence there from doctors .physios  and support workers about my mobility or lack of able to do much and none of this was talked or even mentioned my appeal lasted approx 10 mins .I felt that the questions asked were totally unacceptable and tried to trip me up .......even the fact I took the kids on holiday last yr and I drove .... I was  not even able to say it was In my specially  adapted  mobility  car .......advise please on my next step or if there can be a next step ......thank you 


  • Matilda
    Matilda Community member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Hi @tony66

    Sorry about your bad appeal experience - I've heard many instances of tribunals behaving unreasonably, to put it no stronger.  I suggest that you re-post in the 'Ask a benefits advisor' category where there are benefits experts who can advise you what to do next.
  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Community member Posts: 254 Empowering
    The experience you have had is a symptom of the wider errosion of human rights in the UK.

    Gradually positions in the political parties, judiciary, local authortity executives, NHS trust Managers etc etc are being filled by establishment yes men.   People who are all trained to sing from the same corporate song sheet.

    We are seeing an unprecedented political annexation of all services by a class of political individual especially groomed to ensure the continuity of a regime that favours; privitisation of services, cutting back spending on Education, Health and Social care.  

    In short we are experiencing the gradual and systematic deconstruction of our public service infrastructure.  The errosion of social justice is symptomatic of this.

    What you have experienced is wrong.... It is sad that once upon a time we could rely on the CAB and other lobying organisations such as unions and pressure groups.  Most of these organisations are now infiltrated and populated by the same sort of people that are causing the problems we need the support and advice on!

    The only way it would seem to challenge these injustices is to go via the Legal route.  Unfortunately the legal system is full of the exact people who are causing a lot of the problems too!  To quote MORRISEY "Educated criminals work within the Law".

    Itsnot all bad though there arestill people out there trying hard to make sure things are done correctly.  Unfortunately they are few and far between.  Dont give up.  Gird yourself and get stuck in!  Dont accept thier rubbish and keep on fighting :)

    we owe it not nly to ourselves but to others who suffer like us and sometimes encounter worse injustices.
  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,282 Pioneering
    Hi @tony66,

    I've moved your post to the ask a benefits advisor category.


  • tony66
    tony66 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thank u Alex I tried to do it but I was not able too
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi tony66

    Appeal tribunals are able to look at the whole award rather than just one component or the other, and so there is always a risk when challenging a decision that has awarded at least one part that you are happy with.

    The tribunal did the right thing in terms of adjourning to give you and your representative a chance to consider whether to withdraw the appeal. It would be inappropriate of me to advise on this without seeing all of the evidence. It is really a matter for you and your representative and the advice service which he or she works for.

    I suggest you speak again with your representative and the advice service that is helping you. If they are unsure of how to proceed you could suggest that they contact us for help using
