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Justice Community member Posts: 194 Empowering
Hello to all who answered my posts, sorry have not been on the last few days, the anxiety of preparing for my Husbands pending( Tomorrow) Capability for Work assessment has taken it's toll on me.
Wildlife thank you for your comments, I appreciate that. Believe me I have tried everything to try to avoid Hubby having to have a face to face assessment, we have sent new letters from GP and Parkinson's Nurse, The MP also called them, and told us to send the medical papers to him so that he could send them back direct from House of Commons hoping they would take a bit more notice. No chance, they don't want to know.
Anyway we will get through it because we have no choice, but it makes me so very angry seeing what this is doing to my Husband. The anxiety, the lack of self esteem, it is appalling that these People are allowed to get away with this ridiculous Fiasco.

some of you may have read a former post by me telling that I am writing a book on the subject. I am collecting real stories from real People, everything kept confidential name wise, and anything I write will go back to the sender for approval before it is published. I did ask at the Scope office if it was ok to do this. However I don't seem to be able to send any private messages, nor do I seem to be able to get around that problem so here is the e mail to write to me if anyone is interested.

I look forward to hearing from anyone interested, you don't need to tell the story at this stage, just tell me you are interested, and I will mail back with more details.

If I get enough interest to make the Book a viable proposition then I can get on with it. A percentage of any profits from the Book will go to a charity for the Disabled, of course!! 


  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Community member Posts: 265 Empowering
  • wildlife
    wildlife Community member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Thanks Justice, I will email you after you've got through tomorrow. Do hope it's not as bad as you're expecting. I've checked my assessor's past working life, she must be feeling confident that nothing will be done about her as there is enough info. online to show she has never trained or worked as a Paramedic which she said she was and she's registered with HCPC who I've contacted to investigate her registration. Good luck for tomorrow. Let us know how it went....
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Community member Posts: 265 Empowering
    That's incredible Wildlife! 

    Well done but what an ordeal to go through!? 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Community member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi @janice_in_wonderland ,It looks like ATOS are so desperate for staff they are ignoring the ruling about qualifications needed by assessors. So it's always worth checking or trying to get this info. before your assessment.The only vaguely medically related job she's ever done is a self employed massage therapist. She's never stuck at anything very long and the ATOS job looks like a stop gap between other non medical work. She's left ATOS but is registered with HCPC till Sept. 2017. I'm waiting to hear from them but the advice I've had is to focus on her fraudulent registration with them rather than her standard of work which of course is being dealt with in fighting for what I should be entitled to.The reason being that I am less likely to have to go to a tribunal as a witness which would be the case if I was complaining about her incompetence. It would be impossibly stressful. @justice thinking of you today...<3
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Community member Posts: 265 Empowering
    edited March 2017
    Hi Wildlife

    Thanks for the info

    I've just attended a hospital appt and was told not to even think of working and they're writing a letter to gp 

    im sitting in the hospital cafe tired bc clocks changed & early appt...I'm getting myself together to get home to sleep so I'm feeling emotional atm 

    nobody can see what is going on inside...

    im probably going to have to appeal & feel like warning the assessor if I end up feeling suicidal she'll be added to my hit list which is not healthy 
    ill also ask what qualifications theyve got bc if they expect me to do exercises ill ask if they've got public liability insurance bc that's what made me & makes me more ill! 
    I almost killed my self keeping the community fit by overdoing things 

    I've come a long way & need more time 

    i miss working in a professional environment but I just don't have the stamina 

    Let's see what happens bc it's upsetting when people are genuinely unwell and would like to be ok in comparison with those who don't care