Hi, my name is furkin!

furkin Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Thats exactly what they want, to kill us off bit by bit !
Have you heard about some people being interviewed by ATOS (a foreign company, with fraudulent reputations - whilst our Government has put Doctors & nurses on benefits !? Shouldn't we use these to carry out interviews to get them back to work ?) get asked "why haven't you committed suicide yet" or "shouldn't you have committed suicide by now ?".
When the interviewees walk out screeching, is classed as "didn't continue with claim" !!!!  


  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Hello @furkin welcome, I can see you are very frustrated with things that have been going on. But lets just step back from what you are saying and give you some advice that will help you. If at any time you go to be assessed make sure you have some one with you to be a witness. If you can take a key worker, or some one who may give you a service they will except if it falls in your time gap and there's. What I like you to do if you have not been treated correctly lets see if Scope free phone 0808 800 3333 ask for a benefits advisor they will treat you with respect and just keep calm and the advisor will guide you through. Take care and please just keep to your situation not things that are going on. Have a nice day.
  • furkin
    furkin Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    I'm sorry Geoff,
    Looks like I posted in the wrong place !
    I thought I was adding to a conversation.
    I was looking for 2017 PIP rates and this link popped up.
    I'll try to get back to the pot I was reading.
    Thanks for your advice.
  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Online Community Member Posts: 161 Empowering
    Hi @furkin that is no problem sure you will get every thing soughted have a great day.