PIP appeal - supporting evidence

eugenietomalin Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I won't be able to get all the evidence together for my PIP appeal before the deadline. Can I simply fill in the form and supply supporting documents at a later date?


  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    The deadline is specified on the letter you received.You need to get this evidence in by the date specified.The DWP etc take it that  1 month is enough time to get all evidence in.They will not accept anything after this.If you have medical appointment etc send them in also,get copies.Explain what they are in a letter,I found sending all doument by registered post signed for is the best way.After a week give them a call and ensure the have rceived them,for peace of mind.  
  • badger9
    badger9 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Hi simular happened to myself regarding my mother my mother suffers from mental illness bipolar anxitey personality disorder had been receiveing pip for almost 3 years a letter arrived after we had filled out a letter, well a tick box form no changes was all ticked apart from ocasionly popping to local shop for coggerettes on a good day everything still remains the same well she opened the letter put it in a draw and said nothing to me she said shed rang them and told them cant make the assesment as not travelling to them because its to far and not fit to do so i knew nothing of this i came across the letter and asked her why she hadnt told me and she said shed already told them shes not attending, i tried in vain to get  apointment with her doc but was told hes on annual leave first apointment   6th of march asessment 7th she saw doctor who wrote a letter with her illness and meds so luckily we had some type of evidence to support her mental health i planned the journey we had to take a bus to town then take a train we arrived 2 hours early which i had planned as knew mother would need at least an hour to calm down .the asseser wrote my mother can travel and plan a journey!! Also i made it perfectly clear i prepare mothers meals my mother daid she sometimes makes a samdwich and could put the fryer on for chips if she can be bothered he said mother can cook and prepare meals!!i have to run mother a bath prompt her to wash . He wrote mum washes and bathes herself!!! I i didnt tell her or prompt she wouldnt!! Also made it clear that  i do all budgeting he put my mother can budget!!!so just confirming they do tell lies!!!in the prosess of asking them to reconsider their desission in which iam dreading as know ive got a fight on my hands.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi eugenietomalin,

    It's fine to fill in the form and sent it in with as much as you have now. Don't miss the deadline for the appeal (one month from the mandatory reconsideration notice). You can still send in further documents later. There are possible grounds for a late appeal but I wouldn't want to risk it.

    Once you send in the appeal form you should get a response from the DWP - it's their submission to the tribunal, and a copy should be forwarded to you. Then, within a month of getting that, you can send in further additional evidence.

    At this point it's the tribunal, not the DWP, who can give you a longer (or shorter!) time to provide additional evidence or information. This is sometimes called a submission. Keep within the month time limit here if you can, because there is no guarantee the tribunal will give you longer.

  • badger9
    badger9 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Hi thank you for your advice but im in the process of asking them to reconsider im waiting for medical history from doctors and stiil waiting for a writen explanation in to more detail in how they decided my mother is no longer entitled to pip as her circumstances have not changed she is still the same from the day she was discharged from hospital .almost 3 years ago.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    edited April 2017

    Good luck badger9!

    Might I just re-iterate Will's advice about the appeal deadline though. An appeal can be submitted in conjunction with a complaint to the DWP.

    Just remember that the DWP have their own axe to grind, and the Tribunals Service are the independent body who prevent them from grinding it too much!

  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi @BenefitsTrainingCo , I think you may confuse some people saying the MR and Appeal can be submitted together "in conjunction with". Most of us know you cannot ask to go to Appeal until you have been through the MR process and been sent the MR Decision Letter which has to be sent with the Appeal application. There's no point in making more work for yourself doing 2 things at once just to be told you can't do that yet or finding out that your MR has increased your award and you have no need to Appeal.
  • badger9
    badger9 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Hi wildlife thanks as the post i recieved confused me , as ive been intoch with welfare rights and also advice ive recieved from everyone your are correct , you have to ask for them to recconsider 1st , thank you for your advice you have been extreamly helpfull.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi@badger9, The advice given on here is for someone else who started this discussion and is further down the road with their claim. So no need to be confused. You don't need to think about an Appeal at this stage. You need to write a letter or get someone to write it for you and put your name, NI number and MANDATORY RECONSIDERATION at the top of the page. If you need more help post again on a new discussion so you don't get confused. 
        @eugenietomalin Yes you can send in evidence later. The important thing is to fill the Appeal form in and send it within a month of getting your MR letter. But you can still get the DWP Decision Makers to change their scoring right up to Appeal. You can ring the PIP number and ask for a call back from a Decision Maker. While you're waiting prepare some questions and an argument about what you disagree with on the MR decision letter. If you have a valid argument you may be  lucky with an offer to look at the claim again. At the same time as doing this send your Appeal form in. Ring them a few days/a week later and check they've got it and ask for a date that any evidence has to be in by for your Appeal. They may tell you to ring a different number as the Appeal papers are sent to the Tribunal at a different address but they'll tell you what to do about any further evidence. Just always put your name, NI number and APPEAL EVIDENCE at the top of each page. 
  • badger9
    badger9 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Sory i thought the mesage was a responce to my post 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    No need to apologise it does look like advice for you with your name mentioned but that just makes it more confusing. I hope I have made things a little clearer and you know what to do.
  • badger9
    badger9 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Yes ive been in touch with them and asked for them to reconsider, i received a 10 page letter and questioner aking why and reasons i dont agree im waiting for medical notes evidence from mums surgery but delays as easter hols seeing welfare rights on tueday. Thanks again.
  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,281 Pioneering
    edited April 2017
    Hi @wildlife,

    I've just removed the word reconsideration from the previous comment by @BenefitsTrainingCo. Agree that it might confuse people.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi @Alex, Thanks I now have an email address. I must say the advice given is generally very good and the present system is way too confusing for most people.  
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    I asked a few days ago for my PIP report which the assessors did in January for my Silicitor.Lo and behhold they sent me my DLA 2008 papers,what on each do  I want them for,where is my 2017 PIP report the assessor did,They called me a few months ago to say that they can use evidence from earlier clain.My DLA was done in 2008 thats 9 years ago so how can they use this evidence,what on earth  are DWP doing,plus the fact that this DLA was completely thrown out by the TRIBUNAL in 2008/9.I had another call from a customer support  at DWP asking me again for my complaints,that three times this week.  
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi everyone,

    Just to say that the general advice is always to keep to both MR and appeal deadlines, whatever stage you are at, and send in further evidence when you have it. When you send something in, I know this is pretty obvious but do make sure it can be identified as belonging to your case, by including the claimant's name, NI number and date of decision you're unhappy with, keeping a copy and sending recorded delivery if possible - as both DWP and tribunals do lose things... 

    Complaints don't have a deadline as such but it's always good to complain sooner rather than later!

    Yes, for badger9, you need to go through the MR process first, and it sounds like you are doing just that and have welfare rights support too, which is great.

    johnny100 it seems the DWP are just giving you more and more issues to add to your complaint! I hope that you get the actual PIP report soon.
