DLA to PIP help

mand17 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited April 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi I am new today and have HP just received a letter from Capita ..
i am changing from high rate DLA ..indefinite ..to pips ..as you all know the forms in its self is traumatic ..then the cost of all the evidence ..and now I am going to have. A fight on my hands for a home visit ...Any advice , or a shoulder would be completely appreciated...i am in a mess here ..also I have had two added extras since the forms went in ..i was put  on insulin last Friday Also straight after had to see an oncologist now having to be under him for two years and a biopsy on my lady bits , that's. frightening enough in itself ...
dont know how much more I can take of this , I am also under the mental health team ...
I have involved my local MP .who I have to say is brilliant and any nonsense from them I'm sure he will help ....
thank you for taking the time to read this 


  • VDK
    VDK Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi, my understanding is that when assessing they are looking at how conditions affect what you need to do, so never assume anything. For example, being an insulin diabetic in itself doesn't stop someone working, walking etc, so you need to tell them that being insulin dependent makes this or that difficult/impossible because ........ You said that you are under an oncologist so what you need to tell them is how this problem with your lady bits stops you doing things as having the problem is not in itself telling them why you can't do this or that. They need to know the consequence of how you are affected. 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    Take a look at the PIP application guidance on both Disability Rights and CAB websites including the descriptors list on the DR site.  Include a diary with your PIP form - DR site has a draft diary that you can adapt.

    As @VDK says, you are awarded points, not for the medical conditions themselves, but how they affect your ability to carry out various everyday tasks.  You will also score some points for needing to use aids to help you do everyday activities.

    In the mobility section, it appears that the use of walking aids on wheels can make people lose points!  Two members of Scope have reported that they failed to qualify for any mobility PIP because they use walking aids on wheels - a walker and a shopping trolley.  So, I suggest that if you do use any walking aids on wheels, you don't mention it and don't take one to your assessment.  

    Also, in the walking distance section, CAB advises against ticking the 'it varies' box (presumably because this gives assessors an DWP too much scope to decide that you can walk long distances).  Tick one of the other boxes.  And DWP/assessors think that if you get breathless while walking then you can't walk far.  So, if you get breathless walking, emphasise this on your form.

    Your disabilities have to apply for more than 50% of the time, i.e. at least four days a week.  And don't overestimate your abilities.  If you aren't sure, fill that section in as a disability.
  • JLM1972
    JLM1972 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi mand17. I too went through this a year ago and believe me it was very traumatic. My advise is take time in competing  the PIP form, do not rely on previous information held by  DLA.  Gather as mush evidence of your condition/s i.e. Doctors /Hospital  Appointments Prescriptions..write down every mortal thing you can think of even if you think it may be irrelevant.  Explain in detail how your problems effect your daily life and remember that each question  might on the surfsce look the same but it's  not so be as specific as you can. I  got a home assessments after much confusion and the medical assessor contractor kept getting all the information  crossed. Just tell  them the truth and again I  cant stress  enough how you must  include everything. I went through  hell but  didn't  have all the help prior to completing the PIP just thought they would  go  through my DLA file first.  How  wrong was I..? Complete the PIP as though its your first claim ever and if you  have additional conditions or your  condition as worsened from DLA write them down!! Finally at your assessment if they sdk you to carry out a task  and you can't  explain why..such as you would  feel it dangerous or it causes  anxiety pain etc. Don't  just say "I  cant do that" it goes against  you. Good Luck and don't  stress x
  • mand17
    mand17 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you all for you replies ...I use a walker and crutches so the advice of that is Great thank you ....Very stressful and worrying time for everyone swapping over ...makes us feel like criminals ...This does not help the way we are treated when we are going through our disabilities , mental health etc..
    thank you all again for the advice ..I'm new on here and couldn't find how to reply to you all separate :(
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    @mand17.  I don't think crutches would lose you points.  I put down on my form that I walk with a stick and took a stick to my assessment - and didn't lose any points for using a stick.
  • mand17
    mand17 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you. Matilda x