awaiting my change over to pip

Oakey Community member Posts: 5 Listener
edited April 2017 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Coming up to 60 and awaiting my change over to pip to come and like most on here I'm dreading it.  I have various conditions that stop me doing things through pain, joints, muscles and back which I am on patches and pain killers, along with an array of tables, but I look alright! I try and maintain that and if I'm not right I don't go out.  I had radiotherpy for prostrate cancer which finished just before christmas, I have two hormone implants to go and hopefully clear, I do have one or two ongoing issues with after effects which are annoying but hey ho.

I'm a positve person who likes a laugh and that has go me though all this, I have my dark times like most but I'm more of a keep it in that to let it out bloke so at times I think I get a bit depressed but am able to cover it up with laugher, which helps.

Noone likes a moaner so I generally keep quite so joining this group will hopefully allow me to maybe ask questions, moan and vent, as well as maybe contributing in some way.

Loverly day out there but I is stuck in, long live the internet ;-)

Thanks if you've taken the time to read and hope you're feeling well today x



  • jeana1
    jeana1 Community member Posts: 38 Connected
    Hi Oakey...sorry to hear you're still waiting on your Pip ..I was I same boat up till 3mnths ago! Then I got the forms..I'm still waiting to hear their decision..yes I'm stressed out about it but it's just the waiting bit..but I try keep positive like most ppl on can't do much else!! But if I do get the bullet then I'm lodging an appeal same day & il keep on about it as long as it takes! This cruel lot in Govt are a you I'm now in my60s worked all my life also brought up 3 lovely kids..
    im proud of that and no gormless prat at Dwp will try & tell me I'm Not disabled ..Chin up my friend it's our right to feel angry & appalled...we've earned it!! Sod the lot of em ...Good Luck for the future!! 
    Cheers ...Jeana X 
  • laila
    laila Community member Posts: 48 Connected
    Hi 're really a courageous person after what you've endured. Moaning doesn t disturb if it makes you feel better. We all have our difficult moments but we refuse to give up. We all need people to soothe our pains. I hope you ll feel better soon. 
  • Oakey
    Oakey Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you for your kind comments ladies.  I think may sometimes talking to other people rather than bend the ears of the people who've listened to, sometimes for years, and become immune to it really helps.
    Jeana1, I am of the same opinon, so I'm not the only one ;-)
    Laila, not sure I'm courageous, compared with people I've seen that are far worse, I'm lucky :-)
    Thanks again for your kind words.
  • jeana1
    jeana1 Community member Posts: 38 Connected
    Good Luck Oakey..let us know how u get on! Il keep my pip claim  updated too on here...cheers J 
  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Community member Posts: 254 Empowering
    Welcome to the community :)

    I know what you mean by people not liking moaners.  Does anyone like a moaner?

    Its important though to make a clear distinction between moaning and speaking out about injustice.

    For those that are unable to make that distinction. Well I wouldnt worry too much about what they think!  They clearly dont know one thing from another anyway :)

    I hope all goes well for you with your transition to PIP.  I know that you will get lots of support here if you need it :)

    Take care :)