lies in assessment

janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
edited April 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
So the brown envelope arrived! 
Its only been a couple of weeks since the assessment in case you're interested to know the timing.
Its stated not enough points to qualify for PIP but I'm definitely going to request an MR and ADD the medical evidence dismissed by the unfair!
The 'shoulder bag' I had was/is a cotton tote bag I hide my coccyx cushion in to sit on that I actually explained to her because one of my conditions is coccydynia which is no longer treated on NHS! 
I told her I'm waiting to start therapy yet the report states I'm not having any! It starts on 25th April so that's cruel to have left that out too!
I have an accumulation of symptoms and things wrong the assessor left out which would've added enough points! 
So now I've had all of my money stopped which affects spare room tax and I'm expected to pay back DLA from my review date in December! 
I live alone and struggled to get by having said 'no I'll be ok' when a support worker asked 'do you need a carer' when I was so vulnerable it was obviously the wrong answer as I was not in a fit state! 
A number of medical professionals have said I'm lucky to be alive so I hope this is enough to help you understand without having to state everything as it's too disheartening to share 
Time to apply for MR with proof of medical evidence in the hope of getting those extra points I ought to have had been awarded. Then the DHP and whilst I'm doing this I'm trying to relocate to live near family bc it's all too much and with a family history of heart attacks and strokes and I'm in my early 50's I'm at risk myself from this undue avoidable stress 
I'll let you know the outcome of MR etc 
Thank you for everyone's support and wish you all the very best 


  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    I think your DLA doesn't stop until four weeks after the date of your PIP decision letter.  Ask in Ask a benefits advisor category.
  • sue66
    sue66 Online Community Member Posts: 124 Empowering

    So the brown envelope arrived! 
    Its only been a couple of weeks since the assessment in case you're interested to know the timing.
    Its stated not enough points to qualify for PIP but I'm definitely going to request an MR and ADD the medical evidence dismissed by the unfair!
    The 'shoulder bag' I had was/is a cotton tote bag I hide my coccyx cushion in to sit on that I actually explained to her because one of my conditions is coccydynia which is no longer treated on NHS! 
    I told her I'm waiting to start therapy yet the report states I'm not having any! It starts on 25th April so that's cruel to have left that out too!
    I have an accumulation of symptoms and things wrong the assessor left out which would've added enough points! 
    So now I've had all of my money stopped which affects spare room tax and I'm expected to pay back DLA from my review date in December! 
    I live alone and struggled to get by having said 'no I'll be ok' when a support worker asked 'do you need a carer' when I was so vulnerable it was obviously the wrong answer as I was not in a fit state! 
    A number of medical professionals have said I'm lucky to be alive so I hope this is enough to help you understand without having to state everything as it's too disheartening to share 
    Time to apply for MR with proof of medical evidence in the hope of getting those extra points I ought to have had been awarded. Then the DHP and whilst I'm doing this I'm trying to relocate to live near family bc it's all too much and with a family history of heart attacks and strokes and I'm in my early 50's I'm at risk myself from this undue avoidable stress 
    I'll let you know the outcome of MR etc 
    Thank you for everyone's support and wish you all the very best 

    Hi Janice yet another story of an unfair outcome on losing points that clearly you deserved to have, Its so devastating to of ended up where you are because of an assessor not putting down the facts. You would think by now with so many having to ask for a MR and ADD (whats ADD?)  that DWP would have come to the conclusion that many assessors are not dealing with people  fairly and in some cases unkindly as well, not up to the job.  Its giving them more work! To be told your lucky to be alive and then to have to contend with this outcome is just plain cruel.  You fight this all the way, and be open about the help you really need in future.I really feel for those who are being refused PIP and still of working age as well, at least the older ones like me still have our state pension to survive on.  Still waiting for my brown envelope to apply for PIP from DLA , im not holding my breath for getting it either..  Hope it all turns out well for you.  Your not alone. 
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    edited August 2017
    Thank you for your kind words and support 

    ADD is just my way of expressing add bc of them being so unfair and unreasonable leaving proof out

    my welfare advisor emailed and said she's going to support me with my MR and I trust her doing a letter as she's been a rock (now I'm beginning to feel emotional) 

    its set set me back and unable to sleep which I have problems with anyway (sleep apnea/choke at night) which assessor didn't even mention it in the report yet it was discussed 

    Thank goodness the weather is changing but I feel to vulnerable to go out atm I've got a number of things wrong and IBS alongside fluctuating agoraphobia are 2 of them

    I'm so stunned the assessor actually stated I had a 'shoulder bag' which was hiding my coccyx cushion bc my friend joked about me being like an old lady! So the assessor twisted my explanations against my symptoms 

    Tennis elbows were not mentioned and she stated I can 'grip' which I have to be careful about 

    The price to pay for teaching various dance & fitness modules and Pilates and incredible how an assessor thinks someone who once loved being physically active is enjoying arthritis etc I'll never run again :-( recovered from benign tumours but feel exhausted from too many things happening so close together including being too ill to attend my own mums funeral 

    im in pain typing atm but I'm determined to fight this battle under the circumstances whether I'm in bed in tears like I am atm or looking ok bc nobody knows what goes on inside someone's mind and body! 

    Its going to take a few days to get over the shock but that'll pass 

    thank you if you read this as it's helping me to feel less alone 

    I will never feel I can trust occupational therapist ever again now 2 have been so wrong!
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Hi Janice

    It was sue66 who wrote you a long post above, not me.  

    Try not to be too despondent and good luck with the MR.  If the MR isn't successful, remember that 65% of tribunal appeals are.

    As I said above, you could post in Ask a benefits advisor about whether you have to pay back any DLA.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    HI @janice_in_wonderland, No you are not alone. I've just written a letter to complain about my complaint not being dealt with properly at ATOS. The letter is to: The National Customer Relations Manager who's address I found on another website. It's all about the lies but have included how this makes you feel and the effect on your health. Within a week of seeing my assessor's report I called 999 as was in an awful state. I suffer from Opthalmic Migraines and had had 5 in a week. I thought I was having a stroke. Anyhow am back to my old self and determined to get my assessor to have to face up to what she's done to me and all the others she's assessed. 
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    Apologies everyone I'm getting in a muddle 
  • janice_in_wonderland
    janice_in_wonderland Online Community Member Posts: 265 Empowering
    There's a history of heart attacks and strokes in my family so I'm avoiding everyone and anything ATM 
    @wildlife to protect myself 

    sorry to read about bout your experiences but I just keep telling myself the universe knows the truth and have faith 

    how assessors can sleep at night I honestly don't know! 

    Seriously it's like a form of manslaughter 

    if i had not not been on here and had the awareness of the goings on I am sure I'd have been so devastated 

    between now and seeing my advisor I'm going to rest then gather papers ready for the MR and keep believing I'm going to win when I tell the truth about the assessors incompetence, ignorance and or cruelty 

    Thank the universe for you people here and anyone who is helping support those going through this