My pip letter has arrived .

Josiecutie Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
tge dreaded brown envelope from dwp has arrived and it's my invite to apply for pip . I am very very scared . Any thoughts or advice gratefully received xxxxx 


  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi @Josiecutie, Have a look at the PIP points system by searching online. It will give you an idea of the criteria and which "Descriptor" in each activity best describes you. I wish I'd done this as it gives you a start with knowing what you're trying to describe on the claim form. I assume you're on DLA but as you probably know PIP has different criteria so it means starting from scratch. Post again with any questions as the more info. you put on here the more help you will get.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hello Josiecutie

    Wildlife is right that is is best to look at the PIP criteria as this will put the questions on the form into some kind of perspective.  It can also help focus your mind on what PIP will be assessing you on, and so you can answer the questions with this in mind.  For example, use of aids is asked about a lot of times in the PIP descriptors, and PIP form. An aid is an item that you need to use to enable you to do certain tasks, like using a shower seat, or hand rail when bathing.  It is also important to know that it is not just aids that you own but what you reasonably require, so even if you do not have  for example a shower seat, if you would find it helpful then you can still argue that you need this type aid. 

    The Scope site has a PIP self test, and link to a PIP guide which you may find useful.

    You can also attach medical evidence or reports to your PIP application.  BUT, you need to make sure that these reports are helpful and specific.  A report from a GP stating for example 'my patients reports to me that she has problems dressing' is not as supportive as 'my patient has restrictive movement of her upper arms caused by a degenerative bone disease and this will cause problems with dressing and washing of her upper body.'  

    It may also be worth checking if  a local advice center, such as a CAB or Law Center can help you fill out the form.

    REMEMBER, to keep a copy of your PIP application form.  As, if you are asked to attend a medical assessment, you can read through your form prior to attending the assessment. 


  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @Maria, Very good advice but I'm interested in what you said about the way a GP can word a letter with detail about a patient's personal care needs. Are there GPs out there that are willing to do that? One mention of benefit letters to my GP, who is brilliant in all other respects, produced an outburst of how the Government has instructed DWP Case Workers to believe what disabled people are telling them to save GPs having to do so many letters. Maybe we should remind the case workers of this in our letters and telephone conversations? Also how much is the cost of a GP's letter? I paid £30 just for print outs of my medical records off the computer. We have an admin dpt. at the surgery who have been very helpful in supplying me with information. @Josiecutie good luck with your claim..