Pip appeal

masseymad46 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
I have missed the closing date to appeal the mandatory decision for being turned down for pip due to hurting my back and not being able to get out of house other than doctor or hospital appointments.What should I do? I did ring appeals office and explained this to them and they said they do accept late appeals


  • caljake
    caljake Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I wrote to pip about a change in my husband's condition as they tell you to. They have taken it as a late appeal ,but they did accept it. They said it goes in front of the board as to whether they accept it . So time will tell if they accept it 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing

    If you’ve missed the deadline

    If you’ve missed the 1 month deadline, you can still apply for a reconsideration, as long as it’s within 13 months of the decision. You’ll need to give a good reason for being late, like a bereavement or being in hospital.

    The DWP doesn’t have to consider a late application, so try to send your letter as soon as you can. Explain in the letter why your application is late, as well as why you disagree with their decision.

    This information is from the CAB.

  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi masseymad46,

    The information Sam has given is if you're late asking for the mandatory reconsideration. If that is what has happened, you should definitely still ask for one - explain why it is late, but also explain why the decision is wrong (as the DWP can always change a decision if they have made an official error).

    If what's happened is you've already got your mandatory reconsideration notice and you are late getting your appeal form in, then you've done the right thing contacting the appeals office. You should send the form (SSCS1) in as soon as you can, explaining why it is late. The tribunal will decide whether to accept your appeal, looking at the reasons for the delay, how long the delay was, and how likely your appeal is to succeed. 

    I think you have a good chance that the appeal will be accepted, but do send the form in as soon as you can, and supply evidence about your back injury if possible (copies of GP/hospital appointment letters/texts would be fine).

    There is an 'absolute' time limit of 13 months from the date of the mandatory reconsideration notice, but I'm guessing you are well within that!
