refused pip

swainy007 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
hi I use to have pip for panic attacks and depression then I informed them that my sieattackter had got worse so they tuck it of me it ended up at tribunal last week and still refused me what can I do now please help


  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,281 Pioneering
    Hi @swainy007

    Sorry to hear that you weren't successful, did you get an explanation?
    You can appeal to the Upper Tribunal if you believe there has been an error in law. There's a short video here:

  • Pet
    Pet Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    I'm going through a stressful PIP tribunal appeal time waiting for another hearing date after it was cancelled 1 week before the original date.  The first tribunal was adjourned back in January so by the time I get a decision it will probably be 18 months since they stopped by PIP mobility benefit for my epilepsy back in June last year.  I've always felt a bit stiff waking up in the morning but once moving it disappeared but about 2 months ago I started getting lower back pain and this stiffness all round my body to the extent that I could barely put my socks on. Thinking that is would go away and as tried to ignore it, but it got so bad that I went to the doctors who put it down to muscular and walking would help and stretching exercises.  Stress with all that's going on also doesn't help either.  I'm going away for some sun in a week to see if this helps as feeling very low and know exactly how you feel, my husband keeps trying to give up this tribunal as it's making me ill but i'm going to fight to the end and I hope you will to.