Disabled bus pass

needsupport89 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
hi I recently applied for bus psss disabled one only by contacting them found out they need the whole award letter for pip including the scores is this correct or are they just asking for more info to find out more about my condition basically being noisy my council is Hampshire council 



  • dogfather
    dogfather Online Community Member Posts: 60 Connected
    I believe they do need a copy of the PIP letter, partly so they know how long to issue the bus pass for. It may be that you need a career with you when traveling so they might issue a bus pass + 1 traveller. 
    If you do not meet the criteria for a bus pass I believe you can appeal to the local passenger transport executive, sending them the details of your disability they seem to have more discretion & may issue you with a pass, even if you don't meet the PIP criteria
  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    You can also get a bus pass if you'd be refused a bus pass on medical grounds for reasons other than drugs or alcohol. You may need a letter from your GP.