DLA to pip

frogy Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
I wonder if anyone can help me,I have a pip assessment coming up,I have permenant foot drop left foot after spine operation ,had a brain injury 7 years ago which gave me a stroke,now I have bad anger and temper with people and short term memory problems I have bad depression for 15 years chronic sarciodosis to many to list I currently receive low care dla how would I get on at pip assessment thanks frogy.


  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    It's not possible to say. The criteria is different. And some of us have found that the assessors have lied.
  • frogy
    frogy Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Thanks for your reply ,because I have to wear a full plastic foot brace I have to wear shots because wearing trousers the plastic rubs againced my calf and makes it bleed and burn will it go againsed me if I go to assessment in shorts thanks frogy
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    There is a Scope thread about preparing for a PIP assessment.  Details below:

    How to Prepare for a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Assessment

  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @frogy From what you've said wearing shorts will make it easier to describe your problems. It wouldn't be any use wearing trousers and then trying to tell the assessor why you have to wear shorts and them not being able to see the problem. The only dress advice I've read is to wear things that are easy to put on without lots of buttons or fasteners if you want to tell them you have trouble dressing without someone helping. As well as the above links have you watched the video of how the assessment should be done on the ATOS website? You are entitled to see the screen and correct anything false written about you. It helps to take someone along with you and to ask them to take notes of what is said and your MSE results if you're able to do any of them. Be careful how you word your refusal to say you can't and why otherwise the assessor may write that you refused to do whatever to make it sound like you could do it but won't. Watch out for trick questions out of context that may be to gather information to say what you can do. Like what are your hobbies? Don't put anything on the floor or pick anything up. Sorry if I've repeated anything you've read elsewhere. Good Luck..