Getting a job if you're disabled

fredfinch Community member Posts: 12 Connected
Hey guys, I've been going to the jobcentre on and off since I left school. However much they preach their good intentions they are still trying to get me to apply for unsuitable jobs and they still don't know how to deal with my disability. Anyway I made a video about it all

I wonder how many of you can identify with what i'm saying.



  • gnmeads
    gnmeads Community member, Scope Member Posts: 187 Empowering
    Hi Fred welcome to the Scope community!
    Yes, I can identify everything that you said in that video. I've been in and out of work for 15 years. From when your applying for work in the job centre right through to your last day at work, The other thing is if your condition isn't obvious they think you can work just as quick and efficiently as everyone else. 

    If you feel you need help with anything just let us know 
  • fredfinch
    fredfinch Community member Posts: 12 Connected
    Thanks Glenn