Pip. 15 points removed after review

cooljoolz Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited June 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi all, my pip was stopped last September after review I was receiving enhanced care, failed MR still scoring 0 points! Appllied for tribunal,sent further evidence,  recieved all the paper work,in it was a report written by a case manager stating  that she had reviewed all the available evidence including new evidence and states that my points should be reinstated, they tried to contact me to ask if I would accept but had a old number for me. So tribunal was to go ahead because activity 12 was also in dispute, wrote to tribunal and withdrew appeal saying that I no longer wish to disput activity 12 and that I accept the DWPs decision but now not able to get any answers from the DWP regarding this and only have one week left  to reinstate tribunal, but it seems pointless doing this as the letter states that I was entitled to the 15 points originally scored! This award also ended on the 1st of June 2017 and I am in the process of claiming again. Tia for any advice. Joolz  

Read more at https://community.scope.org.uk/discussion/34290/pip-stopped-after-review-originally-scoring-15-points#1gAsIJEAMW2x7SdK.99


  • dedus
    dedus Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    Hi c , I have heard of people's points getting taken away ! Seems so unfair , the dwp just love to screw with our brains , and make it as difficult as possible to get what we deserve , seems to me like they are just being really nasty and awkward in your case , they should be wearing masks ! 
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @cooljoolz.
    A very warm welcome to you I do hope that we can help you with this ???
    Please have a good look around the site there is plenty of advice that will be helpful for you.
    If you have anymore questions please please let me know ???
  • Liam_Alumni
    Liam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,087 Empowering
    Hi @cooljoolz,

    I'm sorry to hear about the problems that you're having with PIP.

    @BenefitsTrainingCo, do you have any advice?
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Hi @cooljoolz

    So - without having full knowledge of your case and sight of the appeal papers, it's difficult to say that Tribunal is the place for you (as they can reduce awards as well as increase them, and may not agree with the DWP's 15 point assessment).

    HOWEVER it is also NOT my policy to rely on the DWP to be consistent in their behaviour and decision-making...

    My advice therefore, would be to secure those appeal rights and request that your appeal be reinstated asap. Explain why it's late (that you have been trying to resolve the issue with the DWP but are getting nowhere). You can always withdraw again if you manage to get the DWP to play ball.

    What I would say, is that what you have in your submission is by no means standard procedure. If the DWP is minded to review the decision in your favour they should just do so, and your right of appeal then re-starts with the new decision.

    Get the appeal re-instated and then, if possible, try and get some face to face advice so someone can have a look at the appeal bundle and give some advice on this.

    Hope this helps!
