NOW ESA assesments !!

julierose Community member Posts: 23 Connected
after recently having gone through a long battel with PIP they arenow putting us through one with ESA ..i  was sent a appointment regardless of explaining my circumstances yet again and was told to call back  the next week  i then was told i hae to get yet another letter from my doctor .we all know how hard and how long that can take at minimum a week i have to get one and return in two days .. then with the weekend it wont get seen until earliest my appointment date ,,which i am unable to attend as i have no way to get there or anyone to escort me they have put me in a bad situation  told me to get a letter send in then i have to give them two days notice to let them know i cant climb 24 steps to 2nd floor so they can arrange down stairs room ?? so much for the governments not persecuting those who are genuine ...i suffer from severe depression PIP almost pushed me over the top and this i cant even see  way round ..i am so tired of fighting the system i moved house set in motion a whole team of medical etc to help get me well enough to hopefulyy return at least to part time work but this system keeps pushing me back down ..i dont know what to do im too tired now 


  • rosie6379
    rosie6379 Community member Posts: 18 Connected
    Oh bless your heart. Don't let them drag you down. I'm sure that they make it this difficult on purpose. Just stick with it and hold your head high. Don't let them win xxx
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,605 Championing
    Im so sorry to hear this :( If you'd like some one to one support, you can call our Scope helpline on 0808 800 3333.

    Let us know how you get on