PIP - Astonishing and disgraceful.

Bewildered Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited July 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi everyone! I am new here but have read many of the discussions regarding PIP and Capita and have been appalled by the way some people have been treated.
I am also inspired by the capacity to 'fight on' my disabled peers have shown! Thank You, I feel much stronger as a result!!

My experiences with DLA then PIP and IB then ESA have been extremely traumatic, though my mental health issues have meant that dealing with and reacting to my negative experiences probably seems to others without my conditions, that I make mountains out of molehills.

However, the lack of empathy and understanding shown by the WDP, ATOS and Capita in particular reveals a major flaw in the Government's policies and procedures where even the most basic awareness training for front line staff has been totally overlooked.
I find this unveils the complete lack of respect and decency our Government policy makers have for the elderly and/or disabled among us which naturally feeds right down the line to the staff who deal with our issues all day, every day, every week.
All for the lack of a few hours effective training, and even more basic, the selection of the right staff in the first place!
Astonishing and disgraceful.
They can't even provide their customer service representatives with consistent and correct information! If they don't know the answers to our questions and consequently give us incorrect or misleading information, where 'the Dickens' does that leave us?

Ok. My first gripe over.

I will be back with more observations and questions about the whole decision making process for ESA and PIP when the women's cricket semi final is over!!!

Bewildered, Cambridgeshire.


  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Hello @Bewildered and welcome to the community.

    I truly wished I could agree with your analysis of the problem, at least then there would be some hope that the problems could be resolved.