dazzi Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Hi everyone I've found this group really helpful reading! but must add i'm just so confused with it all:|

long awaited brown envelope arrived last week to apply for pip from dla life time award  Predominantly I had back surgery on l1 which had shattered and resulted in paralysis at the time  I live with constant pain plus nerve damage to left leg outside including left foot with foot drop   Key hole surgery was 10 years ago. 

I also had a nasty car accident last December I was in the passenger seat my son designated driver of my mobility car was driving on the A! when a lady drove straight into the passenger side of my car so side trauma -  that seems to have exacerbated by back foot pain and also added on problems with my left arm shoulder and neck (10 years ago discovered damage to 2 disc in my neck which were decided at the time to leave be) Visited my Doctor yesterday who advised he doubts this will go and that I will now have this too and the best way to deal with it will be to find pain relief that I can add to my existing mix so has prescribed me pregabalin to go with my existing medication   
For info I am also a Chronic migraine sufferer and see the specialist at the hospital every 4/5 months whereby I have botox injection in my head and shoulder to help relieve my systems.  At my visit in January he noted the distinct difference in  me following the car accident as I was completely unable to stand straight and had to be propped up with his books under my left foot to examine me  This I discovered he reported to my GP when I went to see him yesterday.  I went to my GP yesterday as my new pain in the left shoulder neck since the car accident is really making my life hell 6 months on plus I had an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon this morning for the insurance company  which I was worried about plus I really needed something else for the pain as I'm struggling sleeping then cannot move in the morning and back to crawling out of bed struggling to get up unable to bend down get dressed other than really easy lose pull on clothing.  The appointment today went well with the ortho surgeon really just reporting for the insurance co.  he concluded that my pre existing neck disc issues have certainly been affecting by the car accident and will most likely be with me for life and a question of sorting a good pain relief to manage condition and referring it to chronic pain relief specialist to help with that.  he also added that it may not have affected my back but certainly enhanced degeneration of existing condition plus my awareness of it, including adding my upper body woes now to the picture.  I cannot lift my arms above my head have stiffness both sides of my neck plus constant pain and described it as being the straw to break the camels back.... so all very disheartening but possibly helpful in my next battle... my claim for PIP
 so over the last 10 years have picked myself up dusted myself off as I really do want to look disabled and appear it to anyone... had a few very bad experiences when I had no choice but to be in a wheelchair and abuse when I pulled up into a blue badge parking space (that's another story! not all disabled people are old and retired (I'm now 50) there are lots of many young ones middle aged like myself etc etc (sorry for waffling!) and tried to rebuild my life  I rarely go out have literally no hobbies my life is literally bed  home and work ( I now work for myself but this has suffered since xmas due to car crash)   I do not claim any benefits but receive higher rate mobility and lower rate care on dla   
I'm terrified I am going to lose my independence and be forced onto benefits if I lose my awards  Any advice most gratefully received sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Hi @dazzi

    No need to apologise for a long post - and sorry to hear of your difficulties, especially since the accident!

    To cut to the chase, PIP is a tougher benefit to get than DLA, it was introduced to cut the benefits bill so is bound to be designed to knock some people off it. That being said, that doesn't mean you won't qualify!

    Mobility - the basic threshold is higher (roughly 20m where DLA was roughly 50m), but PIP has 'reasonableness' written into the regulations. Most notably with mobility is RELIABILITY - if pain etc affects the reliability of your moving around then this is relevant.

    There is no 'low rate' Daily Living for PIP, so if the award of low rate is correct then you will be likely to lose this. I say IF, as from the description you give above of the further difficulties you have experienced since the car accident it appears that this may not be the case.

    I recommend that you take the PIP self-test on the benefits and work website to get a feel for it and hopefully get an indication of what rate you may be entitled to.

    Another point I'd like to throw in (perhaps a benefit adviser's prerogative) is not to feel like claiming benefits would mean losing your independence. If you are struggling making any money working for yourself, do look into ESA as an option at least.

    Hope it goes well - let us know! - and do let us know too if there is any more advice we can help you with.

    Kind regards,
