Hi my name is Karon

blueeyes74 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
edited July 2017 in Start here and say hello!
Hi there. I thought it was time I told you about what brings me here.
Well at the age of three I fell on ice playing with the other kids. I broke my knee and at the time I was treated as any other break. From that point on I spent the next 25 years falling over and every time I fell something would break or the pain was unexplained. Doctors said I was just clumsy and accident prone. 
Then in 2002 I got a doctor to listen to me. After many tests and being told it is all in my head. I got diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. 
At the time I was a single mum with 2 children and working full time as a nurse. 
In 2012 my life changed after repeated falls at work I was told I could no longer work. 
This disorder has started in my left leg and now covers both legs, my left arm, my lower back and chest. 
I would love to still work but at the moment I can't afford an electronic wheelchair and nobody will accept how flexible I need the hours and area to be. 
