Pip review experience

roxieh Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
hi all I'm new here I was wondering if anyone has been through the pip review procedure, currently on a 3 year award but sent renewal a year early, had a terrifying home assessment last week  has anyone ever had there current pip award increased ,  and is it back dated to when you filled out the form etc thanks in advance for any comments, I'm worried sick about my outcome x


  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @roxieh As far as I'm aware although I haven't been through a review, this is only to check whether anything's changed. If you had an assessment last week there will be an assessment report at DWP. You can ring DWP (unless you've already done this) to ask for a copy to be sent to you. Tell them you want it ASAP as this will put your mind at ease if it's the same or an increase in award. If not you still need the report to decide what to do next if anything.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Sorry you had a bad reveiw experience
    Good news and bad. A PIP review makes a new decision on your claim. Anytime a new decision is made the date of the decision is when it comes into forces. So no back dated payments if you get an increase but also no overpayment if you get a reduction. As with any decision there is a right to appeal if need be.

  • roxieh
    roxieh Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Thanks both for your replies I wasn't sure because I reported on the pip review form that there were changes to my health a number of new issues etc, my review form had to be returned in January 2017, 8 months later in august I had f2f last week it's all so confusing and I don't remember much of the f2f as I was so distressed and fell asleep numerous times it lasted nearly 3 hours !! I'm so anxious of the result as you hear so many horror stories xx
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Yes we do hear a lot of horror stories on the forums. That is becaause all the good stories never bother to post on forums, they probably don't even know that we exist as they never need help. There is no more you can do for now other than ring DWP for a copy of the report as wildlife says
  • roxieh
    roxieh Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    I think I'm going to sit tight give it until Friday and distract myself until then, if the system was more fair and honest people wouldn't flap at the slightest thing with this process but thanks for all the replies xx
  • gazza47
    gazza47 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    I completely understand your frustration and worry over this... My wife is going through the same thing, she had a pip review assessment nearly 2 weeks ago and we haven't heard anything yet.... But she did ring DWP and ask for a copy of the report, and they told her she could have it but it would take 5 days before it gets posted out and it will be 2nd class... So all in all it will take a couple of weeks before she gets it, by which time she may have had her decision, it's an absolute joke.... But I hope it all works out for you and the best of luck
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @roxieh I'm wondering if you've realized that your assessment report is not sent to you unless you ask for it and you will need it to do an appeal if necessary. The sooner you ring to ask for it to be sent the better. So I suggest you ring DWP to ask for it and then sit tight.
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    It's best to ask DWP for a PIP assessment report promptly because there is a delay.  I phoned DWP day after my assessment, report arrived 10 days later and decision about a week after that.

    However, even if report arrives after decision, probably you'll still have time to put in an MR.  And you can ask for an extension to time to submit an MR.

    Assessors seem to make a habit of telling claimants that they can't have their report until after decision.  This is nonsense - you can ask for report before decision arrives.
  • roxieh
    roxieh Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Hi guys ahhh ok I get what you mean now about getting the report I think il have to bite the bullet and ring the dwp I hate doing it but from what your saying I need to,  gaz I hope your wife hears soon I'm a wreck waiting for the dreaded result, I'm not expecting miracles they wouldn't even read the new evidence I supplied and refused to take it with them, I wish this process was more fairer as those that genuinely need this help are put through hell n back.
    but thanks all for the helpful advice xx
  • Justice
    Justice Online Community Member Posts: 194 Empowering
     Just a suggestion, if you don't feel like calling the DWP yourself, and that is understandable, then telephone your MP. They have a hotline to the DWP so it saves you sitting there waiting, sometimes only to be cut off when you finally get through. Let the MP take the stress, it is part of their job, also if your MP is involved then from my experience the DWP, and the rest take you more seriously.
    Good Luck
  • roxieh
    roxieh Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    That's a great idea justice thank you il email my mp now, to be fair without my mp helping me with pip over the last few years I doubt I would have seen a penny, thanks again il get on to that now xx
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    @roxieh I do understand what you mean and agree with @justice but if  your MP doesn't reply straight away it's just a simple call to DWP to ask for a copy of your assessment report. It's nothing to worry about. This is something they are asked to do all the time as they only send it if you ask for it. So just to be aware not to leave it too long. 
  • roxieh
    roxieh Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    My dad rang this afternoon for me and requested a copy to be sent so that's all sorted thanks everyone for the great advice, they also said I should expect a decision next week, in a way I'm desperate to no the outcome but at the same time opening that letter can change everything for the worse, I guess the only comfort is this f2f I had an advocate present who holds a very senior medical background, she documented the whole assessment, so at least this time round it's not my word against there's, but I'm gunna try remain positive until I'm told different otherwise my mental health will spiral out of control xx
  • gazza47
    gazza47 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    the very best of luck to you then, hope it works out well
  • roxieh
    roxieh Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Thanks I will update when I have news cheers
  • jaqisitt
    jaqisitt Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected
    I had my.pip renewal assessment 9 weeks ago. Assessor said she felt I needed increase from standard to enhanced for mobility. 5 weeks ago had a letter from dwp saying they had all the required evidence and I would hear from them within 4 weeks .it's now 5 weeks and nothing. Is anyone else experiencing this delay? Very confused as to whether increased award is backdated. If it's backdated to decision then surely it's a negligible amount as  you should hear from them fairly quickly after decision. It would be good to hear from uyo who have been through this
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    There's no timescales to decisions, it all depends on backlog in your area. Summer holidays too, all add to the backlog. Asking for a copy of the assessment report will give you some idea what the decision will be as they mostly go with that. For PIP reviews if you're given a higher award then money will be increased from the date of the decision. Good luck.
  • celticgirl
    celticgirl Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    I thought it went from when you submitted your form 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    edited February 2023
    I thought it went from when you submitted your form 

    You've posted on a thread that's from Aug 2017 and it's regarding a review. Under normal times if a review is started by DWP and you're award a higher award than you previously had the extra money would have been from with the decision was made.

    At the moment due to huge backlogs some claimants are being paid the extra money from an earlier time but this hasn't applied to everyone.

    If you report a change of circumstances and your award is higher it will be paid from the date you rang to report the changes.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    I thought it went from when you submitted your form 
    This thread is four and a half years old. For a new claim a PIP award starts from when the claim is made. For a review started by DwP any change applies from when the decision is made. For a review requested by the claimant any change to the award starts from when the change is reported.