Which one of the following title do you feel best describes our new Assistive Technology Strategy?

Ryan_Scope Scope Posts: 14 Contributor

Currently in Scope we have an Assistive Technology Team. As part of our new 5 year strategy “Everyday Equality” we are changing how we talk about Assistive Technology.

We will be providing up to date online information on everyday assistive technology that helps with communicating, environmental controls and access to education \ work.

Due to our new direction, we feel that Assistive Technology no longer fully describes what we want people to know us for and reach we are wanting to achieve with Everyday Equality and maximum Independence.

By providing your views on this poll you will be giving us an insight to which title our online community members think best describes our vision.

If you believe you have an idea that isn’t already listed in the poll, then please do add this to a comment below.

Which one of the following title do you feel best describes our new Assistive Technology Strategy? 4 votes

Assistive Solutions
Enabling Technology
Assistive Intelligence
Zaid_Alumni 1 vote
Technology Empowerment
Acomplishing Technologies
Technology Solutions for Life/ All
Daily Technology
Tech for Life/ Living
Daily Digital Solutions
Technology for Life/ Living
AlexW_ScopeCockneyRebelNicole24 3 votes


  • sarahsmum
    sarahsmum Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    What will you be doing specifically? Where can we see the new Assistive Technology Strategy? Will be easier to vote in the poll once we know that. 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    @Ryan_Assistive can you help @sarahsmum ?
  • Andy_Scope
    Andy_Scope Scope Posts: 47 Contributor
    Hi @sarahsmum
    The strategy is still not public, but what I can say is that it is exciting and we want to present more information about technologies that are useful and do that in a way that is up to date and interesting.  Hope that helps.
  • sarahsmum
    sarahsmum Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Well we can't really comment without seeing it can we! Perhaps you should release the strategy before asking which title best describes it....  :#
  • forgoodnesssake
    forgoodnesssake Online Community Member Posts: 507 Empowering
    edited August 2017
    sarahsmum - I couldn't agree more!!  I can't actually believe that they are asking poeple to decide on the most suitable name for an unknown service! (well, I can actually given other stuff that has and is going on...)

  • Andy_Scope
    Andy_Scope Scope Posts: 47 Contributor
    Thanks for your comments,  maybe the question should read, "We want to get more people interested in Assistive Technology in ALL aspects of disabled people's lives. Which name do you think is more likely to achieve this goal" 
    What do you think if that's the question?   
  • sarahsmum
    sarahsmum Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    edited August 2017
    Thank you @forgoodnesssake ! Glad it isn't only me that is questioning what exactly is happening with Scope at the moment!!

    The point still stands @Andy_Assistive ...

    How can you ask our opinion on a service you are going to be providing if you won't let us see it? It is all good & well saying you think it's 'exciting and we want to present more information about technologies that are useful and do that in a way that is up to date and interesting'.

    Why haven't you released the assistive technology strategy? It sounds like you intend on being the jack of all trades and master of none considering how broad assistive technology is!! 

  • Andy_Scope
    Andy_Scope Scope Posts: 47 Contributor
    Hi @sarahsmum and @forgoodnesssake
    You make a fair point we could risk becoming a "jack of all trades",  we have taken that in to consideration in what we want to do in the future.
    1. We will be working with disabled people, their carers, supporters (parents family etc') to create and curate the resources. We recognise that we're not the  experts on everything, but we want to work with people who are real life users of tech day in day out and are experts in their own right. 
    2. To help us get a wider view we will be getting people's input and experiences of how they get information on tech and what they'd like to have in the future. That will include people like you and I'd like to invite you (and the rest of the community too) to be involved in helping to shape that future. 
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    We will be providing up to date online information on everyday assistive technology that helps with communicating, environmental controls and access to education \ work...

    Not quite sure what more we need to know to change a name... 

    So, it seems I'm controversial as I think Scope are doing a great job and I actually just like the old name... 
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Also, as it is a collaborative strategy.... And has a wealth of experience and users.... I see no problem with tackling brand range of stuff. 
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,702 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Independence Tech.