social isolation

DIV Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
How do others cope with social isolation?  


  • Markmywords
    Markmywords Online Community Member Posts: 416 Empowering
    Apart from occasionally going to a hobby club when I can, distraction :/
  • DIV
    DIV Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thanks for  that
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Hiya! Yeah... I feel you! My daughter and husband went back to work and school today and it was the first of many days in alone.

    Am getting out more but so many barriers...

    I'm a TV addict. I watch similar stuff each day which gives my day a sense of structure. I try to achieve something how ever small each day. And chat online lots! 

    Do you chat online to friends?

    What are you into? 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 728 Listener
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello it is very hard I get very lonely and the charity that supports me tries to help my social isolation with meetings and other outings this is a struggle but I go.  One of the great things they have done is give each person who joins a computer.  Then I can talk to people like ourselves plus send me information  E mails etc sent by support worker to keep in touch.  What has not helped my disability got worse and my mental health.  I have problems with people when I was volunteering.  Made too aware of the attitudes and I distrust people who I have met in various roles.  I try and not get too stressed about what has happened.  Play music and try not too think about being loneliness.  Someone once said loneliness is a crowded room full of hope and heart those dreams turn to snow.  It is differcult because when and if I meet someone I am interested what they say and try not be too overpowering and be in their face.  How do others cope? I was so concerned about my welfare I joined a little course on dealing with people.  I can feel myself when meeting people too willing to give out personal details.  They only ring when they want something.  Two hours on Saturday phoned this guy who I known twenty years ago.  Knew me I could not remember him.  Just sat while he spoke his life history.  At the end felt even more lonely.  Making no friends. As for meeting ladies I just know I will end up again getting used and abused.  Just have to get on with life.  I will have to keep on truckin and hope and pray someone out their is like me.