Pip change circumstances/deterioration

xxgaynorxx Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
Hi i was awarded pip high care and standard mobility due to mental health. 16 points care and 10 mobility. This was 18 mnths ago.
Since then my physical health has deteriorated. Arthritis bursitis and sciatica.
My mobility is now restricted and im in so mucb pain and most days cant walk far.
My award is until 2025.
Will a change in circumstances retrigger the process again ieforms medicals etc?
Or can a decision maker at DWP just decide?
I dont know the process and due to mental health i dont think i could go tbrough tbe whole 'pip' thing again. Thanks.


  • xxgaynorxx
    xxgaynorxx Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    P.S i still have my ATOS medical report. And my award letter states its highly unlikly that my mental health will change hence 10yr award.
    I have had mental health problems for 20yrs.
  • xxgaynorxx
    xxgaynorxx Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    I have a very strong mental health team so i feel my case is quite solid.
    Its just all the stories about ATOS/CAPITA assessments failing people and either not observing/listening or lying.
    When i had my last assessment/medical.
    He was nice enough and compassionate to my mental health.
    ALTHOUGH....HE said due to me being distressed he would not perform a physical exam..YET my report states different that he performed one and i could bend legs arms, etc etc etc.
    My CPN nurse was with me at the time.
    But because i was happy with my decision i never questioned it.
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    Based on what you've said, you probably should be getting the enhanced rate of the mobility component. Unfortunately, yes it's possible that reporting a change of circumstances will result in another assessment. And, because the quality of the assessments and the reports is so poor (your example of false information in your report is sadly very common), we can't guarantee what the outcome would be.

    Nevertheless, you are due the extra money, technically once you would score 12 points in the mobility activities & would have done for the last 3 months and the next 9 months looking ahead.

    You can check the descriptors and the points here.

    The best advice is to document everything as you go along. If you have recent evidence about your other problems (relating to daily living), then there is no harm mentioning this too in your request for an increased award. Make it clear that if anything, it has become harder to do those activities too, because your physical health problems have become worse. Keep copies of everything you send to the DWP, and notes of all phone calls.

    If you do have another assessment and you are unhappy about anything which happens (either at the assessment or in the report), you can complain, as well as asking for a mandatory reconsideration (and if necessary appeal) if you are not happy with the actual decision. 

    The whole thing is daunting but you will find a lot of support on here, and please don't be put off because the enhanced mobility component is an important part of PIP which can help you get other things (for example, a Motability vehicle if that would be helpful).

  • xxgaynorxx
    xxgaynorxx Community member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Thanks for advice. I feel PIP hold people to ransom sometimes. Im making sure i get all my physical health evidence together. My CPN has seen the difficultys im having and has even asked me to transfer to a downstairs flat as the stairs are becoming a major obstacle for me. I will keep you informed. Has anyone been succesful after deterioration in condition since award?