Hi, my name is Derek1951!

Derek1951 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
My wife has recently been awarded PIP (standard rate for care and mobility) she was previously on DLA Middle Rate and higher rate Mobility. The question of cutting and preparing a simple meal, has come back as 2 points saying she needs to use an appliance.? she does no preparing of vegetables as she has dermatitis & exzema . (on both hands)  cronic.we won this on appeal on DLA.. needs assisting  eating , cutting up food ,etc. swallowing /and choking problems. 0 points.We stated on the form she needs assistance getting in and out of bath and shower,(needed an aid or applince ) ? I assist ,(2 points)  only.washing upper body and hair.,managing your treatments,(0 points) I assist her with meds ,sugar level monitoring.( 0 points) help dressing upper body 0 points and finding her way to unfamilier places, 0 points she requires my help, she does not go out of the house alone, I am there to assist her, needs my help. I do all budgeting . (Bills etc) (0 points.)  she has been awarded 8 points in total, (care) and (10 points mobillity.) Some days needs hands dry bandaging as they crack and bleed.! any help or suggestions please. she is very upset and dissressed about the decisiion.