dwp/pip tribunal

johnty396 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
after a long 8 month wait,my wife finally had her tribunal and had her enhanced mobility rate reinstated.Despite having cardiac issues,suffers from lupus,renaulds disease and copd this was not "sufficient" to keep her enhanced mobility rate.The Atos assesment was a farce from begining to end.It would be wrong to call them lie's..so we will call it a "ficticious statement"...So the planning of her tribunal began...1st stop was CAB and got representation..2nd got letter from her Cardiac surgeon who carried out her triple heart bypass and this year her 3 stents fitted...3rd got letter from her rhumatologist who deals with her lupus and renaulds...4th a visit to our gp who compiled a quite detailed letter on her current health issues......these were photcopied and sent to the tribunal,cab and kept copies on my laptop(as a safe gaurd measure).Because of the distance my wife was supposed to have walked i downloaded from google earth the location of the assessment building and the distances involved(you can measure the exact distance with google earth measuring tool.) also copied The drop off point where we were told by atos to use ,which was a no stopping/loading area...the distance from the door to the pick up point (in yards)...Even on the documents from dwp they stated my wifes condition will keep getting worse.The representative done  outstanding work at the tribunal and the copies i printed out from google earth were appreciated and examined with "great interest" by the members on the tribunal panel....So my advice to all yous waiting is..................never doubt yourself as time goes on,i'm convinced this is a phsycological ploy by dwp to make you think of giving up...get every scrap of medical evidence from every one who has treated you or seen you........look at everyword that atos/capita/dwp have put on the report.....make a seperate list of every single thing that you dissagree with and discuss with your representatie before the tribunal..and ,if ,needed use google earth as proof  distances and print out.....Now go into your tribunal armed to the teeth like a sas hit squad........last and important part.....RELAX...dont start "rabbiting" at the panel..tell the truth and be open and listen to what the tribunal explain to you...dont be nervous (we know thats the hard bit) but they are not atos/capita and dwp..they are there not to assess you but that the "system" made the correct decission..........good luck and good hunting.


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,604 Championing
    Hi @johnty396 thanks for sharing and glad to hear you got a positive outcome!
  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @johnty396

    A very big welcome to you to our website and online community.

    Well done you have shown everyone on our site that yes it can be done.

    Just by getting lots of info it makes  a real difference and it will show other members how to do things so that they can help each other.

    Many thanks.