JSA and disability premium but want to work at least part time advice needed

Sue52 Community member Posts: 77 Contributor
edited September 2017 in Benefits and income
Good morning all hope you are well. 

Posted here a while while ago about giving up my job, in the end they medically let me go. (I was ok with this). 
Was on ESA for a little while, had my result on Monday and received no points !!! 

Have now now applied for JSA and received the award text , I will be getting 105 per week , I am assuming this includes the disability premium as I receive PIP. 

My my question is that I could possibly be offered a part time role. Full time is no ,inter a option as my main RA is in both my wrists. 
16 hours work 
I will earn 128 per week, I have been reading that I can still claim JSA to help is this right. 

Many thanks 



  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi Sue

    Are you challenging your ESA decision ?

    Is your JSA contribution or income based ?
    Are you in a full UC area ?
    Do you have a partner ?


  • Sue52
    Sue52 Community member Posts: 77 Contributor
    Hi CR 

    Thank you for replying, I didn't challenge the decision as I was half asleep when they rang. They got me to do a application for JSA at the same time.. I am not sure if it is income based or contribution as I have not received the letter yet only a text message today. 

    I am am not eligible for UC because I get PIP and do not have a partner 

    many thanks and advice would be greatly appreciated


  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Have you had the decision letter refusing your ESA ?
    If not then when you do you can ask for a mandatory reconsideration, which seldom changes the outcome but which then means you can take it to an appeal tribunal.
    You should also ask for a copy of the assessment report.

    Did you work and pay NI for the last two years ?
    If so you should be on JSA contribution based

  • Sue52
    Sue52 Community member Posts: 77 Contributor
    Yes I have always worked up until this year. So that means I am on contribution based. Does that mean I can work part time. 

    I got got a copy of the report it showed me in a light that I am fit for some work 

    many thanks 

  • Sue52
    Sue52 Community member Posts: 77 Contributor
    Sorry work part time and stay on JSA or do I see if I can get working tax credits
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Sue52 said:
    Yes I have always worked up until this year. So that means I am on contribution based. Does that mean I can work part time. 

    I got got a copy of the report it showed me in a light that I am fit for some work 

    many thanks 

    Yes you can work part time up to 16 hours

    Do you agree with the report ?

    Work of some kind is always a better option and as long as you are able to I would not challenge the ESA decision with all the associated stress.

    I am sure that one of the advisors here will be on soon and may well have better info for you. I have tried my best  :) but ESA/JSA is not really my best subject, still learning
