Temporarily helpless

Lynne53 Online Community Member Posts: 52 Contributor
I have osteoarthritis in most of my joints and spine plus other spinal problems. I have always managed and recovered well from multiple surgeries. I had an ankle fusion on 4th October and can't put any weight on it for weeks.  I suddenly feel my age and very vulnerable. Hospital wasn't pleasant, not enough staff meant that the help just wasn't there and I did what I always do, get on with it myself,but that led to me almost falling and it turned into an official incident. Now at home but totally dependent on my husband.  I'm writing this not to have a moan or look for sympathy but to say I truly appreciate now the way I was before. I know how awful it feels to be helpless and vulnerable and if I didn't appreciate my reasons to be cheerful before I do now.


  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    It's good that you have someone to help. Some of us aren't so lucky.

    It's difficult trying to cope with failing mobility but there are ways round it. Maybe you could look into a mobility scooter or, though I appreciate most people hate the idea, even a wheelchair. It is possible to rent wheelchairs for 2-3 months which may be all you need, Hopefully your health will improve and you will get some of the mobility back.
